Winter meets 5 years of hell, Pt1

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☆☆☆6 Years Ago,9 years old

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6 Years Ago,
9 years old

Winter Parks sat silently at the kitchen table, Johnathan Turner sat across from her next to her mother, Colby Parks. Colby was practically bald now, shaving her head after her 10th chemotherapy.

Anger, confusion, and sadness bubbled in the 9 year old's heart. Her mother had lied to her for 2 years, and didn't bother to mention to her about her cancer. Winter didn't understand, Colby expected Winter to voice all of her problems, but she couldn't do the same?

Winter stood up tears in her eyes, but anger in her movements. Colby didn't flinch, but Johnathan did.

"You lied to me." Winter stated, her knuckles clenching. "You are a liar!"

"Now hold on a minute-"

"Did you know?" She cut Johnathan off, her eyes narrowing at the man. He didn't respond causing her to become fustrated. "Did you know, Turner?" Johnathan shook his head in response. "Did Feeny know?"

Colby looked at her daughter, sadness filling them. "Yes."

A betrayed look appeared on Winters face, as she crossed her arms looking at her shoes. "You told him, before me?" She asked her voice breaking.

Winter was always a sensitive kid, her feelings always overpowered her logic. That is what Colby loved about her daughter, she wasn't afraid to show her emotion. However that was what she was always concerned aswell. She was afraid that Winter would bury herself to deep in her negative emotions.

"Honey, please." Colby said reaching out to her daughter but Winter moved away. "Please try to understand."

"Well I don't." Winter said grabbing her jacket and sprinting out the door. Johnathan hurriedly following after the young girl. Colby slumped back into her chair, holding onto a necklace that Shawn had given to her when she was younger.

Colby began to cry, tears that she hadn't shed since she broke up with Shawn. Tears shed the night she left Shawn alone in the hotel room. Tears she shed when she found out she carried Shawn's child. Colby sobbed into her hands, she didn't want to hurt Winter. That was the last thing she wanted, but Winter was at a good place in her life.

She had friends, Johnathan and Feeny, her dancing was getting better. Winter was happy, and the news about Colby's cancer would destroy Winter. So Colby hid it, she hid her chemotherapy treatments, the pills, the appointment, until she couldn't no more.

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