Girl Meets the Forgotten

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After getting a horrible waking from a nightmare, Winter found herself once again in her history classroom. However she was full of energy nevertheless.

"Who here knows about the Great Depression?" Cory asked the classroom.

"I thought it was called the Grand Canyon." Riley says confused, making Winter snort.

"Excellent." Cory says moving past the comment. "Who here knows about the Great Depression? Maya?"

"Nothing's gonna beat that, sir." Maya says with a smirk.

"Farkle, save me." Cory says exasperated.

"Am I a joke to you?" Winter says with a mock glare.

"The year was 1929, the stock market crashed, everyone lost their money and their jobs. And the people who were comfortable were now lost and became known as..." Farkle says trailing off.

"'The Forgotten.' Working class people, the heart and soul of our country, basically taken for granted in the first place, and now, discarded and forgotten." Cory finishes, a sad look on Winter's face.

"How could that happen, sir?" Lucas asks sadly.

"It shouldn't have, Mr. Friar." Cory answers.

"But that could never happen to anyone in the Grand Canyon today, could it?" Riley asks worridly.

"I don't know, Riley. I'm sure you would never take anyone for granted, right?"

"I would never."

"And do you think there's anyone who cares about you who goes underappreciated or overlooked?" Cory asks, Riley immediately looked over to Maya.

"Maya, my life is so much better for having you in it."

"I know, pumpkin."

"Thank you, Dad. For the first time, I've actually understood something that you've tried to teach me."

"Please, bell, ring. Ring! Ah-ha." Cory says the bell then ringing, and everyone leaves the classroom.

"You could do that?" Maya says her mouth agape.

"This whole time?" Winter adds her eyes wide.

They were at lunch, Winter's favorite time of the day. She sat next to Farkle with a sandwich infront of her. Farkle, and Lucas were making a volcano out of mashed potatoes. While Maya and Riley were talking about something, Winter just watching them.

Cory looks at Winter Lucas, Farkle, Maya, and Riley, "Do you guys ever actually eat the food?"

"No." Everyone said except Winter.

"I bring my own." Winter shrugs taking another bite of her sandwich.

"Hey, how do you guys actually make this thing erupt?" Winter says going to take another bite of her sandwich.

"Maya, don't! She's gonna blow!" Farkle shouts, as Lucas and Farkle's mashed potato volcano erupts gravy.

"Why do they build their villages so close? Why?" Riley asks as the bell rings.

"Hey, hey, hey. Where are you guys going? What's the rush?" Cory says stopping the group. "Geralyn, Janitor Harley, can you come over here for a minute? So, you guys don't think you should have to clean any of this up? Geralyn, do you think they realize when they waste their food like this it makes you feel bad?" Cory asks the older people as they look at the kids.

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