Girl Meets Winter's Break

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{Madisyn Shipman as Casey Huckabee}


Winter sat at a booth in a local bakery, a coffee infront of her along with a small cupcake. She had headphones on with a book in her hand, humming along toe Coldyplay. It had been a full day since the Christmas party at the Matthews. A full day since she admitted her mother was dead. A full day she admitted that she had no father, and never had one.

Her train of thought was interrupted when there was a small tap on her shoulder. She looked up, taking off her headphones noticing a girl infront of her. The girl had green glasses on, with a green purse on her shoulder. The girl wore a nervous smile but kept her posture straight.

"Hi, um is this seat taken?" She asked pointing to the free chair infront of her.

"No, not at all." Winter replied with a smile.

"I'm Casey." The girl introduced holding out her hand shakily.

"Winter." She said shaking the girl's hand noticing it was sweaty. The girls sat in silence before Casey spoke up.

"So you like books?" Casey asked gesturing to the book she held.

"Yeah, this one is my favorite." Winter answered holding the book up.

"Me too! I think James Dashner is one of the greatest writers. Also J.K Rowling her Harry Potter collection is absolutely the greatest I have ever..." Casey trailed off her eyes going wide. She started to giggle nervously, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Sorry, I rambled didn't I?"

"No, no its fine." Winter said laughing as she shook her head. "Its refreshing to meet someone who is as passionate in books as I am."

"R-Really?" The girl said in shock.

"Oh most definitely." Winter said with a grin. "I don't know have many people to discuss authors."

"Thats great!" Casey said excitedly slamming her palms on the table. "I thought you were going to call me a nerd! Or you know bully me."

"Why would I want to do that?" Winter asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well you are so gorgeous and you have flawless blonde hair and-"

"Okay, okay. I get it." Winter said stopping the girl's nervous rambling. "But I am far from fawless, plus you are beautiful."

"Sure." Casey said sarcastically.

"You are, you just need alittle more confidence and bam!" Winter said her hands mimicking a explosion. "You are the perfect babe!"

Casey began to laugh genuinely, as Winter smiled widely. "You are so funny! Honestly you should be a comedian."

"Ha, I wish I had that job! Getting money like that, sign me up." The girls shared a laugh, Winter feeling the greatest she has ever felt in awhile. "Anyways, how long have you been in New York?"

"Oh, I moved here two days ago from Ohio." Casey said shyly. "My dad got work here and so me and my mom didn't really have a choice. However its because very..."

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