Girl Meets Winter's Forgiveness

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Winter wanted to say she had forgotten about the letter, but honestly she hadn't. She was actually very anxious, and the thought of the red envelope brought her uneasiness. She sat on the coach watching "Whose line is it anyway?", on the tv, finally getting her mind off the project. She was in mid laughter when Shawn walked in holding the mail. "Hey Win. You got mail."

Winter looked up her face dropped with complete seriousness. Shawn sat next to her handing the letter to her. He too was anxious for the response, but more worried about how it would negatively affect her. Winter opened the envelope quickly, trying to ignore her shaky hands. She cleared her throat before she began to read it.

"Dear Winter,
Thank you for writing me. I would like to see you, if you could come visit me. I understand if you don't want to, but it would make me feel better if you did. And thank you for forgiving me.
Yours truly,
Brian Parks."

Winter finished, her hands gripping the letter as her eyes went over the words over and over again. "Winter?" Shawn attempted to gain her attention.

"Thats it?" Winter muttered quietly, furrowing her eyebrows. "I wrote two letters, and this is all I get?" Her tone turned angry. She looked at Shawn shaking her head. "I don't understand."

"Winter, are you okay?" Shawn questioned, looking at her with concern.

"I'm just... I'm just upset." Winter placed the paper back into the envelope. "Thanks Shawn for making dinner, but I'm not hungry." Winter got up and walked to her room, leaving Shawn to sigh loudly.

" Winter got up and walked to her room, leaving Shawn to sigh loudly

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Winter called the only person who could ease her mind quickly. Josh Matthews. It took three rings before he finally answered, and even through a screen he could see she was upset. "Hey, I'm not bugging you or anything right?" Winter asked nervously.

"No, just playing some call of duty. Whats up?"

"Oh uh. Remember when I told you your brother assigned that forgiveness project?"

"Yeah..., Cory comes up with the weirdest stuff. Hows that going?"

"Um, well. I chose my uncle." Winter could hear him drop his controller, Josh looked at his phone with wide eyes. "Yeah, that was everyone's reaction too."

"Well umm, yeah. Its a big deal. For a moment I thought you were going to forgive me, and I'd have to guess what I did wrong."


"Right, we are being serious right now. I am being serious starting now."

Winter smiled, making Josh silently celebrate as he was able to cheer her up. "He wrote me back."


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