Girl meets Terror

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{A/N I couldn't find the transcript for Girl meets crazy hats on the website I am using. Sorry I have to skip a episode. Also I am going to California next week so no updates sorry!}


Farkle was clutching onto Cory's desk while Cory grabs hold of him. Winter watched in amusement, trying to hold back a laugh.

"No no no no no!" Farkle said refusing to let go.

"Let go, Farkle. It's only gym class." Winter said trying to convince him.

"They throw things at me!" Farkle said, making Cory furrow her eyebrows.


"Maya!" Farkle exclaims followed by a sound of crashing thunder.

"I'm the pitcher." Maya shrugs.

"They make me stand there in front of everybody!"

"He's the batter." Riley says.

"There's a guy behind me in a mask!"

"That'd me the catcher, sir." Lucas replies looking at Cory.

"Then there is a person who tries to tag me!"

"I am first base." Winter said crossing her arms.

"And then somebody screams."

"That's the umpire."

"No, that's me." Farkle says frowning.

"Very loudly." Winter says cringing at the memory.

"I'm still not gonna write you a note for gym class, Farkle. It's softball. What could possibly go wrong in softball?" Cory says waving it off.

Farkle jumps on to Winter's arms, so she is carrying wedding style.

"Get off." Winter grumbled dropping him.

They were in the gym, each of their friends at their positions. Winter had a smirk on her face knowing Farkle was next up.

Coach Gleason looked around before shouting, "Batter up!"

"It's raining outside. Why are we playing softball inside? We should be playing dodgeball. No, wait! What am I talking about?" Farkle said talking, to what seemed like himself. "We should be square dancing. Yeah! We should be swinging our partner!"

"Im down for that." Winter said shrugging.

"You should be swinging your bat, Farkle. Get in there! What are you afraid of?" Coach Gleason shouted, even Winter found him scary. Farkle whispered something to the coach just to have him repeat it loudly. Then he did it again, which the coach announced it loudly. "You're afraid of public humiliation? Quit your bellyaching. She throws straight as a rope."

Maya hurled softball to Lucas so fast, it sounded like thunder.

"Check, check, check her out. Check our little pitcher out!" Riley chants making Winter laugh.

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