Girl Meets Absent Winter

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[Story lines] Between Episodes 6&7

[Story lines] Between Episodes 6&7

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Winter wasn't feeling good, she had a horrible headache, coughs, high fever, and vomiting. Today she even woke up with a runny nose, and ofcourse her step uncle didn't care. However, once getting a call from Johnathan he was quick to keep her home instead of sending her to school. She layed in bed, staring at her wall. She didn't want to be home, but she couldn't do anything.

Her eyes slowly started to close when her phone started ringing. She reached across to her bedside grabbing her phone. A name flashed across the 'Bad Hart' , making her smile a bit as she answered.

"Hey Parks where are you at?" Maya said through the phone. "You won't believe what is happening!"

"What happened?" Her voice was hoarse.

"Woah you sound like crap." Maya said chucking, but soon turned serious. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just a little sick now tell me what's happening." She said trying to sound tough.

"Riley became a haruka girl thing!" She said exasperated.

"Woah." Winter said in shock, blinking rapidly.

"I know!"

"How- what- why?" She said trying to think of some advice or something to say.

"I know!"

"Maybe she feels like this was something she needed to be, but reminded her she is Riley not a haruka girl thing." Winter said laughing before it turned into a coughing fit.

"Wow slow down. Listen, get better so you can see my angelic face again." Maya said, laughing a bit.

"Thanks Hart."

"Alright get to bed. Bye."

"Bye." Winter said, hanging up putting her phone down. 

She stared at her wall a couple minutes before closing her eyes. However it quickly ended again by another phone call except it wasn't her friends it was from Johnathan.

"Hello?" She answered sleeping and nasally.

"Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" He answered softly.

"Terrible absolutely terrible no one is letting me sleep! This is the first time I wish I didn't have a phone!" She said exasperated.

"Alright, alright, I just wanted to check up on you. I know tomorrow is a rough day for you so I was going to fly out to see you. I definitely know that Jeremy isn't taking care of you." 

"I actually wanted to go back to Philadelphia, but I guess being sick and having school won't do huh?"

"Nope. No way kiddo."

"Hey Jo? I was wondering if mom-" she paused taking a deep breath.

"If your mom did what?"

"Nevermind it's not important." She said closing her eyes.

"Whats up kid?"

"It's nothing, love ya Jo." She said softly.

"Love ya two." He said, waiting for a minute before hanging up the phone. She put her phone on the dresser next to her bed then laying on her side, absently tracing patterns into her blanket. Eventually letting herself fall into a deep sleep.


When she woke up it was midnight, making the room pitch black. She turned on her phone, 0 missed calls and no messages. She tiptoed to the restroom avoiding waking up her uncle. She took a deep breath splashing water onto her face. Looking up at her reflection she saw nothing.

The person in front of her was nothing. She couldn't recognize the person in front of her. That person was different, it was controlled by the stupid pills that made her feel numb. Numb to pain, and her emotions. She hated the way it made her feel. She looked down to see the orange bottle she dread so much. 

'Screw it.' She thought of opening the bottle bitterly. She stared at the little pills inside before dumping them into the toilet, flushing them. If they accepted her for who she was, with dyscalculia. Then they would accept her without the pills.

She heard the footsteps of her uncle rushing down the hallway opening the door, she had forgotten to lock. He stared at her with horror as he saw her holding the now empty orange bottle in her hand.

"What did you do?" He looked at her as if she was crazy.

"I flushed them." Winter shrugged. "They were useless."

She pushed past him making her way to her room. Locking it shut, as she heard her uncle start shouting into his phone.

"Winter has gone crazy! Bonkers I tell you. I don't know if I can do this anymore! She is too much. I am thinking about putting her up for adoption. Have her if you want. She has too many issues."

That last line hit Winter in the heart, making her cry into her pillow. Things would be so much different if her mom was here. If her mom didn't die, life would be better. If she was in Philadelphia with George and Johnathan. If she wasn't a big PROBLEM.

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