Girl Meets Colby's Letters

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Shawn came back to his temporary apartment he got, opening his mail box. He furrowed his eyebrows at a green envelope that had a name he hadn't heard in a long time on it. Maria Hernando. Shawn ripped it opened pulling out a letter, freezing when he saw the name Colby Parks written in cursive. He shakily placed the paper back into the envelope, and placing it in his pocket. He felt his heart pound hard like he has just ran a marathon. He took off towards the one place he believed he could get through this.


Winter grumbled as she went downstairs to retrieve the mail like her uncle told her to. She unlocked the box, opening it and looking through it. Stopping at a blue one that was addressed to her.

"Weird." She murmured to herself before seeing who it was sent by. She teared it open excitedly thinking Maria had sent her something good. She greedily grabbed the paper until she slowed down when she saw her mothers name on it. Her heart stopped, gulping hard. She looked around to see if she was being punked until slowly realizing it was real.

She clutched the letter tightly, pulling out her phone and dialing Casey. "I need your help... please."


Riley gave Topanga the mail before going back to her room. Topanga casually looked over it stopping at a pink envelope with her and Cory's name written on it. She furrowed her eyebrows as she opened it cautiously before three rapid knocks sounded startling her. Cory came out of his room confused while Topanga opened it seeing a very shaky Shawn.

"I- I think I just got a letter from... Colby?" Shawn said questioning himself.

"What?" Topanga asked with wide eyes.

"Well I-I... its like Maria? Colby's friend? She sent it to me... but the writing. Its from Colby."


Winter sat on the rooftop of her building. From her spot, she saw the whole city. All the people. The buildings. She never felt so small until she sat on the bench of the roof. Casey busted through the door breathing so heavy, Winter thought she had ran a marathon.

"Man I need to work out more." Casey murmured to herself. Winter turned to look at Casey with a soft smile.

"Hey." She greeted so soft she sounded like a whisper in the wind.

"Hi." Casey said walking over to sit next to her. "Im here."

"I know." Winter replied before holding out the letter. "Its from... my mom." Casey's posture tensed as she looked down at the opened blue envelope. "I-I can't read it."

"D-do you...?"


Casey reached out grabbing the envelope shakily.


Topanga opened the letter addressed her first. Cory had came the moment he heard Shawn's voice, and after hearing the situation sat down with the two of them at the table. Topanga sent Riley and Auggie to hang out at her shop, while the three adults handled this strange circumstance.

"Dear my childhood friends,

I figured by now you two are successfully raising your own little family. I also bet Topanga still wears the pants in the relationship. If you are, Topanga, my tiger, congratulations. Cory you sheep, you better be worshipping the ground, you got lucky."

Cory stopped and the group let out a little laugh before he continued.

"If you got this letter, it means I'm dead. Which the thought itself that I'm writing this while dying is devastating and chilling. Honestly this is morbid as hell. However life happens. We all can't stick around forever, death is inevitable. It just means I died sooner than I or we all thought.

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