Girl Meets Rileytown

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Winter Parks sat in her chair flipping her pencil in between her fingers, boredly. Brendon watched Farkle and Casey making googly eyes at eachother, the two of them being more affectionate since Casey told the truth about her autism. He kept wondering if he'd ever find someone accepting of him as Casey found Farkle.

"In what ways do human beings resolve conflict?" Cory asked the class with a smile.

"Bring in the mama." Zay answered confidently.

"They talk it out." Casey spoke, turning her attention to the teacher.

"They go to war." Winter corrected, matter of factly.

"Why can't they talk it out?" Farkle turned to look at her.

"They go to war." Winter repeated stopping her pencil and placing it on her desk.

"Oh, okay. You and me against Farkle and Casey." Brendon jumped in, the duo shaking his hand with hers.

"They talk it out." Casey urged.

"They go to war!" Winter exasperated.

"Let's get them!" Brendon declared pointing at the couple. Farkle pulled out a styrofoam ball gun and shot at the two.

"You shoulda talked it out." Farkle smirked as he put down the toy gun.

"Many conflicts escalate and do not end well. The story of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr is a prime example. Anybody know what happened? Riley?" Cory called on his daughter.

"Please stop picking on me." Riley begged quietly.


Winter, Brendon and Casey all shared a confused look. "They had a duel. Burr killed Hamilton." Farkle replied.

"In 1791, Burr captured a senate seat from Hamilton's father-in-law, which launched their rivalry. Then Burr accused Hamilton of publicly insulting him." Cory explained as Riley received a text on her phone. "Riley, no one should be texting you in class."

"I agree." Riley said before she turned to Maya. "I don't want you to say "Rileytown" anymore."

"I like Rileytown. I like you and I like to say whatever I want." Maya responded narrowing her eyes.

"Now, Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel to resolve their conflict."

"Maybe that's what we should do." Riley suggested, anger clouding her normally cheerful demeanor.

"Maybe you want to hear what happened to them first." Brendon piped up, knowingly.

'Hamilton believed the duel wasn't morally right, so he fired his pistol in the air. Burr, believing he had been shot at, fired at Hamilton and killed him. So, why am I telling you guys a story about what happens when you fail to resolve a conflict peacefully?" Cory questioned as Lucas slowly raised his hand. "Lucas?"

"People get hurt."

"What do we need to learn?"

"I need to learn how to resolve a conflict." Riley acknowledged.

"What's going on?" Cory asked confusedly.

"She thinks I'm a bully because I keep saying something she doesn't like." Maya explained.

"A bully isn't someone who says something you don't like. A bully is someone who uses power and intimidation to hurt others. There's a big difference between having a conflict with a friend and having a bully. So don't just throw that word around." Winter warned, crossing her arms.

"There are other words you shouldn't just throw around, either." Riley snapped, Winter stared, taken aback by Riley's attitude.

"What? Like Rileytown, the place where you live because you're there right now?" Maya said.

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