Girl Meets First date

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{A/N Ahh I am tried hard to focus this on growing Winter and Casey's relationship

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{A/N Ahh I am tried hard to focus this on growing Winter and Casey's relationship. Also if you remember the episode... prepare yourself.}


Winter sat next to Casey, observing the people around them. Both of them sharing a pair of headphones listening to A sky full of stars by Coldplay. Their favorite band. Thats when she saw
Riley close her locker and slowly turns around then Riley and Lucas look at each other. The sight making Winter bite the inside of her cheek, while Casey feel sympathy for her friend.

"No-oooo!" Corey interjects picking up Riley bring her into the classroom.

'Way to to Matthews.' Winter thought to herself. Casey and Winter share a look before walking in sitting at their seats.

"Dad, are you out of your mind?" Riley exclaims.

"Riley. It's time for the talk."

"In front of the whole class?"

"Oh do share, Matthews." Winter said leaning back in her chair with a smirk.

"Yeah, give her the talk let's see what you know." Maya mused with a grin.

"Okay. When a daughter-" Corey began but was caught off while Winter covered Casey's ears.

"Stop." Riley interjected, Winter removing her hands.

"Excuse me." Corey says before running over to the back door and closes it. "Not today, Chachi."

However Lucas pushes door open with Cory behind it. "Sir, you've known me all year. You like me, admit it."

"I don't wanna."

"I'm one of the good kids. What are you so afraid of?"

"Okay." Corey says walking over to the front of the classroom erasing Belguim off the chalkboard.

Farkle stood up with a Belgium shirt and flag, "No!"

"Okay, guys. It's the seventh grade spring fever, which leads to dating, which leads to movies, which leads to popcorn, which leads to putting your hands together in the dark touching popcorn, which leads to holding hands, which leads to that!" Corey says pointing at Yogi and Darby.

"Aren't they otp though?" Winter says with a proud smile.

"Oh, I am not ready for this." Corey says picking up Yogi and separates him from Darby. "Come with me. Come Here. Come on, no, come one. Come with me."

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