Girl Meets Tell-Tot

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The whole Matthews family plus Winter sat at the table eating breakfast calmy. That was until Maya busted throught the door looking determined. "Alright weirdos and Winter. Listen up and listen up good, I got like a minute before he walks through the door."

Winter immediately knew who she was talking about. Winter's secret boyfriend, Josh and as much as she wanted to be excited she didn't want Maya to know just yet. So she sat there coolly with a smirk on her face.

"Let me guess, Uncle Boing?" Winter asked sarcastically.

"Oh Maya, you got to get off this." Riley commented, Winter wanted so desperately to agree.

"Nope. The reason he's not interested is because I've been playing it all wrong. See, my strategy of turning into a total nut job at the mere sight of him aint working out as planned."

"Maya, it's nothing you're doing. It's the age difference." The brunette explained before looking at Winter. "It would be easier if you were Winter's age since he is like one year older."

"Three years older. Your dad married your mom and hes like 20 years older."

"We're exactly the same age." Cory informed them.

"What?!" Riley replied shocked making Winter chuckle.

"I just need to be cash. How's this?" Maya asked placing her feet on the table, attempting to look 'casual' which ended up looking weird.

"Yeah, how's this?" Topanga asked before removing Maya's feet from the table.

"Hey, family." Josh greeted as he entered the room, his eyes immediately landing on Winter.

"Hello Casanova." Winter greeted with a grin.

"Hello Snowflake." He smile widely at the sight of her. His girlfriend.

"My brother."

"My brother." The two Matthews brothers hugged.

"So Riley, Winter shouldn't we be heading to school now, since there's nothing here for me of any interest?" Maya asked them as she stood up.

"I think I'll wait here for abit." Winter told her before leaning closer to the other youngest Matthews. "Think she'll make it out the door?"

"I give her 10 seconds before she jumps on his head." Auggie predicted making Winter laugh.

The two girls attempt to make there way towards the front door, while Winter focused on Josh. "I came up here because I wanted to do this infront of all of you. I hold in my hand an envelope from New York university." Josh told them making Winter beam with excitement and Maya stop.

"Ohh, are we stopping?" Riley teased her bestfriend.

"I'm not stopping. I'm resting." Maya argued before walking again.

"What's in this envelope tells me where I'm going to be for the next four years."

Winter bit her lip in anticipation while Maya stopped again. "Are we stopping?"

"I'm not as young as I used to be!" Maya said before walking again.

"Good luck, Josh."

"Yeah, hi I don't care." The two girls then walked out of the door.

"Is it just me or is there a new maturity in Maya that I haven't seen before? I find it very intriguing." Josh said his voice laced with heavy sarcasm.

"Where will you be!?" Maya screamed as she broke through the door and jumping on his back, wrestling for his report.

"Oh jeez." Winter sighed looking at the chaos infront of her. "Hold on to your dignity woman!"

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