Girl Meets the Secret of Life

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{Short A/N so since in this episode Zay is introduced and he sits behind Lucas im changing the seating lol. Casey will sit on the other side of Farkle, Brendon will sit behind Casey and Winter will sit behind Farkle. 👌}

Winter walked in sitting in her usual seat, Brendon and Casey trailing behind her. "Please let this be a normal class." She begged to whoever may be listening.

"While Mr. Matthews is teaching?" Casey asked with a eyebrow raised.

"Never." Casey and Brendon said in unison, making the blonde groan, Lucas and Farkle walked in. Winter went to hit her head on the desk, but Farkle stopped her with his hand.

"Thank you, Farkle."

"No problem." Farkle replied with a shrug, after Winter lifted her head back the boy sat in his chair. The bell rang,
Maya and Riley both entered the class.

"So you don't want anything to change?" Maya asked making Winter raise a eyebrow.

"No, I don't like change." Riley answered as they both sat down. "Change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty."

Maya, and Winter give Riley a puzzled look. "All right. So should we actually learn about what happened in Belgium in 1831?" Corey asked the class, making Casey and Farkle share a look.

"No!" Casey and Farkle said in unison.


"I always get my hopes up and then something happens to hurt my little Farkle heart. Well, this time I refuse to believe." Farkle explained, while Casey nodded along.

"In 1831..."

"Yes? Wait!" Farkle stopped the teacher turning to Riley. "Anything going to suddenly happen to you?"

"No changes, lovin' life."

Casey turned to the boy behind her who looked at her with a lazy smile. "What about you?"

"Ha, you're funny if you think I am that important." Brendon answered leaning in his chair.

Farkle turned to Lucas, "Anything going to happen to you?"

"Nothing ever happens to me." Lucas replied shrugging. Casey looked at her blonde friend who had her hand under her chin.

"And you?" Casey asked narrowing her eyes.

"Ha, your funny, I am too lazy to change anything." Winter answered getting a highfive from Brendon.

"Maya?" Farkle asked the other blonde, only to get a snore as a response.

"Oh my gosh." Casey said excitedly, doing alittle happt dance.

"This is it." Farkle told her equally as excited.

"In 1831... Belgium-" Corey started until a boy walked into the classroom.

"What? Y'all started without me?" The boy said making Brendon chuckle.

"Get out!" Farkle told the new boy standing up.

"Someone in this room is going to be very surprised to see me."

"Is it me?" Riley asked innocently.

"Don't know, sugar, but could you get any cuter?"

Riley smiled before answering, "Well I can't answer that."

"You got a transcript, kid?" Corey asked turning his attention to the new boy.

The boy handed Cory the papers, "I do. Check out them grades. Here, let me sing 'em to you. De, de, de, de, de, de... de.. f."

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