Girl Meets Belief

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Winter walked next to Brendon, her face creased with a frown and loud, audible sighs escaped her lips. Zay was next to them, tapping at his phone quickly. "Today is such a gloomy day. Why is it so sad?"

"It's because your best friend isn't here." Zay answered, not bothering to look up.

"R.I.P C.C." Winter dramatically cried.

"You will be missed." Brendon added, pretending to wipe tears away.

"She isn't dead she just has a cold." Zay rolled his eyes at the duo's over the top act.

"Curse that cold. I'll avenge you!" Winter shook her fist in the sky. Zay sighed tiredly, walking off into the class leaving the other two in the hallway.

"I wonder what has his panties in a twist." Brendon thought out loud.

"Vanessa has been harassing him non stop since Texas. She thinks him and Maya are together, and all of a sudden she wants him." Winter shrugged, noticeably annoyed. They joined the two girls as Maya found $5 bill on the ground.

"What a great day!" Maya grinned ear from ear widely as she picked it up. "What should I buy?"

"You're not buying anything because that money isn't yours." Riley corrected, holding her head high.

"And that's where the friendship ends, right here. Right now." Brendon joked nervously, looking at Winter with wide eyes.

"Maya someone dropped that." Riley urged.

"Who? You gotta name? You know that person? I don't think you do." Maya replies shoving the bill into her pocket.

"How could you live knowing that belongs to somebody else?" Riley inquired, her voice stern and all joy was stripped from her face.

"Everything I own belongs has belonged to somebody else." Maya responded nonchalantly.

"Put it back."

"I smell a problem brewing." Winter whispered to her best friend, before she turned to the girls. "I think it's class time now." They moved towards the door but Riley pulled Maya back.

"Read what it says, Maya. "In God we trust.""

"You're seriously going to listen to a bunch of white, racist, homophobic, people that are dead, from like, hundreds of years ago? Good luck with that." Winter snickered as she raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you believe that someone is always watching to see if you do the right thing?" Riley ignored Winter's jab and focused on Maya.

"Not anymore." Maya placed a hand over her eyes.

"You know what I'm talking about." Riley pulled the hand away.

"And you know what I'm talking about. Two rainbow snowcones."

"Rainbow? With a rainbow taste with every scope? How do they do that?" Riley spoke with an airy tone, effectively getting distracted.

"Okay, class time, now." Winter clasped her hands together gesturing to the room with her head.

"Listen, you do you, I do me." Maya shrugged as she walked away.

Winter and Brendon let out a breath of relief as they escaped the situation. They took their seats. Lucas glanced around, his eyebrows pinched together. "Hey, where's your third part?"

"Dead." Winter told him, her face neutral.


"She's sick." Farkle corrected.

"Oh." Lucas glanced at Winter again, his face slightly scared, before slowly turning around to face the front.

Riley was glaring Maya, still upset about the money Maya had grabbed. "Riley, it's not that deep. It was just a coincidence, a stroke of good luck." Winter assured, getting with Riley's behavior.

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