Girl Meets a Hogwarts short

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It was a bright day in the Turner's household, Winter has barely waken up to banging on her door. "Go away!" She called out attempting to roll over and go back to sleep.

"Winter! Get up! You got a letter from an owl!"

"An owl?" Winter mumbled before her eyes shot wide open. She scrambled from her bed, swinging the door open ripping the letter from Michael's hands. "Its my Hogwarts letter!"

"I can't wait to go to Hogwarts." Michael mumbled seeing his older sister's bright eyes. Winter rushed down the steps with Michael right behind her. She saw her mother, along with the married Turners sitting at the table.

"Open it sweetie." Colby told her with a proud smile. Colby was a witch who went Hogwarts herself, and was sorted into Gryffindor. Ever since Winter could remember, Colby told her daughter about all about the beautiful castle she spent her days in and the adventures she had. Now it was Winter's time, and she could be happier.

Winter opened the letter reading it outloud to the proud adults infront of her, along with Michael who's eyes sparkled at every word. "I can't belive it! I'm going to Hogwarts!"

"Shh. We live around muggles." Maria hushed the girl, giving her a smile. "Now we need to head over to Diagon Alley to get your supplies."

"Mom, can I come?" Michael asked with hopeful eyes.

"Well I do suppose you can. You will be attending in two years."

Winter clutched the letter tightly, completely overjoyed something in her life was going right. All she needed to do was not get sorted in Slytherin.


Winter, and her family walked around the train station heading towards Platform 9 and 3/4. When Colby and Maria stopped at a wall the two kids looked at them strangely. "Mom what are we doing?" Winter questioned looking around. "I thought we were looking for the train? I don't want to miss it."

"Well the entrance is right here." She pointed at a wall making Winter squint her eyes. Colby smiled at her daughter, before she whispered. "Concealed by magic."

"Oh!" Winter said in realization, before looking at Maria.

"Alright, now crouch slightly before running through no hesitation." Maria instructed the kids, Winter and Michael held onto her luggage, along with her owl, before doing what Maria said. When they got through they looked around in amazement. All the wizards and witches saying goodbye to their children, sending them off to become wizards and witches themselves. Maria and Colby walked through. Maria and Michael hugged the blonde goodbye.

"You better write me every chance you get! I want to hear all about it." Michael told her slightly nudging the girl.

"You bet I will." Winter responded before looking at her own mother.

"You will love Hogwarts, Winter." Colby said kissing Winter's forhead. "Im proud of you, and always be proud of you."

She walked on the train opening up a compartment and plopping down on a seat. "What a day, and it's only begun."

The compartment door opened in walking a girl and a boy maybe three years older than her. She plopped down across from her with a smile. "Hello I don't think I've ever seen you before. I'm Sophie Huckabee, Slytherin."

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