Girl meets Game Night

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"Come on Winter you have to come!" Maya pleaded through the phone.

The Matthews were having their traditional family game night. However Riley wanted to invite all of her friends to join. Which included Winter, but she had other ideas. Winter didn't want to see Topanga, not after her confession and lake of tears.

"I really don't know, Maya." Winter said biting her lip.

"Please it won't be the same without my trouble making partner."

"I'll think about it." Winter sighed rubbing her forehead.

"Yay! Meet us at 6pm at the apartment okay?"

"I never- ugh okay." Winter said hanging up. She layed down on her bed staring up at the ceiling deep in thought, before she got up grabbing her headphones and jacket. She walked out of her room, to see her uncle David sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand and his eyes concentrated on the tv.

"Where are you going?" David asked not looking up.

"Im going to a friends, I'll be back around 10? Or maybe tomorrow." Winter answered simply.


With that Winter rolled her eyes exiting the crummy apartment. She made her way down to the small bakery shop, sitting at her usual booth. It was 5'o clock, so she anxiously tapped her foot. Then the door rung, Casey skipped over to her.


"C-baby!" Winter said throwing her arms around the girl.

"So whats up?" Casey said taking her seat across the blonde.

"Well I was invited to go to Riley's apartment for family game night." Winter confessed.

"So?" Casey said signaling for her to continue. Winter then let out a sigh before spilling everything to Casey about the night. Casey sat in silence sulking up every word she said and every emotion that swirled in Winter's eyes. Afterwards Casey hugged Winter tightly, stroking her hair. "Winnie, I am so sorry."

"Its fine, you know?" Winter sighed moving away from Casey. "Apart of me feels relieved that I am not the only one that knows now. That I could get it off my chest."

"If you ever want to talk I am here, okay?"

"Yeah, I know." Winter said with a lopsided smile. "Anyways could I spend the night? Oh and can you come with me, please?"

"I can't come, I have to babysit. Oh yeah, hey mom!" Casey shouted at the manager. The black haired lady walked over with a smile.

"Yes, my lovely daughter." The older lady said crossing her arms with a smile.

"This is my friend Winter Parks, can she spend the night? Please." Casey pleaded poking out her bottom lip.

"Hi Winter, I am Veronica. Casey's mom."

"Hi, Mrs. Casey's mom." Winter greeted with a smile. "How do you do?"

"I am fine, thank you for asking." Veronica said laughing.

"Just doing my service of being a good citizen." Winter said doing a curtsy.

"I like her." Veronica said to her daughter.

"Yeah, I like her too." Casey said laughing.

"Well, I like you both." Winter said with a goofy grin.

"She can spend the night." Veronica approved both girls hugging her excitedly. "Now I have to get back to work."

"Kay, thanks mama." Casey said kissing her mother's cheek. "She will be by later."

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