Double date

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

It has been a few days since the fight and since Happy tattooed me

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It has been a few days since the fight and since Happy tattooed me. I don't know what it is about that man but god do I want him. He has checked in with me every morning. It makes me smile that he is worried about me. And like I told him that wasn't the first time I have beaten someone and it won't be the last. Earning a chuckle from him.

I was cleaning the kitchen when Kim came home. "Um, what are your plans for the night?" She asks as she walks in.

"I don't know! Why?" I ask as I look at her confused.

"Cause Kozik wants to go out... and Hap has been wanting to see you again. I guess talking on the phone isn't the same as seeing your fine ass. And believe me he wants that ass!" Kim says with a smile as she slaps my ass.

"Are you talking about a double date or something?" I ask as she starts to walk away from me.

"Something like that!" She says with a laugh as she heads to her room. What the hell does that mean? I question myself. I go back to cleaning as she comes out in a barely there outfit. "Too little?" She asks as I nod my head at her.

"Yeah! Just a little bit. You may want to save that for the bedroom!" I say as she pouts and walks back to her room. I shake my head as I leave the kitchen and head to my room to get changed. "Are we going out or staying in?" I yell at her.

"Staying in! I thought we could order food and watch a movie!" She yells back at me. I nod my head as I get undressed so I can hope in the shower. After my shower I threw on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. Since we are staying in. "Hey, I ordered pizza and the guys are here so hurry up." Kim says through my door.

"Ok I will be out in just a minute." I say throwing my hair up in a messy bun.

"Ok so what do you all want to watch?" I hear Kozik ask as I walk into the living room.

"I don't care!" I say as I walk off to the kitchen. Happy following behind me, I turn to face him as he smiles down at me. "You know you have an amazing smile!" I say as he puts his hands on my hips.

"Yeah! You think so?" He asks as I nod my head. "Well I think you have a beautiful smile!" He says as he pulls me closer to him. He leans down to my lips.

"Pizza here!" Kim yells, making me jump away from him. I hear a Happy growl, making me blush.

"Come on, let's go eat!" I say as I take his hand and walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. Before we get there he pulls me back into his chest. Both of his hands on my hips.

"You're my little girl! And I will be claiming you soon." He growls in my ear, making me shiver. I hear him chuckle as he grabs my ass. "Soon little girl! Very soon!" He says, slapping my ass hard making me blush and gasp at him. "Now let's go eat!" He says now pulling me into the living room.

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