New Kind Of Threat

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I was not happy when Clay called, waking me and Olivia up

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I was not happy when Clay called, waking me and Olivia up. I was supposed to get the day off from the shop and club business. I groaned as I got up and got dressed. Olivia signed as I got up knowing that Jace would be up soon and upset that I didn't get to spend time with him.

When I pulled up to the clubhouse I sighed as Clay walked up to me with Jax. "Sorry man... I know you wanted to spend time with you old lady and kid. But we have church and we need you here for it." Jax says as I nod my head.

"What's going on?" I ask, still annoyed that I didn't get time with my wife and son.

"We may have a problem and we need everyone here." Clay says as I look confused. But headed into chapel. I sat in my normal spot next to Piney.

"We have a problem, there is a new crew in town. Some pussy ass little bitches that call themselves Hell fire!" Clay says, making me laugh.

"You're joking right?" Juice asks as he laughs.

"Wish I was Uncer called and they have caused some trouble with not only him but with a few residence here." Jax says as I nod my head.

"What kind of club are they?" Tig asks as Jax laughs and shakes his head.

"They race cars." Clay asks as we all start to laugh. "Now the reason we called you in Hap... Is because they have a thing for pretty little blondes. And we all know you have the prettiest one of them all." He says as I growl and slam my hand on the table

"I will kill any of them that even think to touch my wife." I say as I stand up.

"We know that is why you are here. But we also know that you old lady can handle her own shit." Jax says as I nod my head. "But with her being a James we thought it would be smart if you called her brother and set up a meeting with him." He says as I sigh.

"Shit... Alec to go bat shit crazy!" I say as I rub my face with my hands and sigh again. "Fuck then there is Hunter..." I say as they all look at me confused.

"Who is Hunter?" Juice asks as I huff.

"Her cousin... Alec's second in command. He ain't as bad as Alec but he is right up there." I say as I shake my head. "You all remember when I left here cause Kozik dumb ass almost cost me my kid." I ask as they nod their heads at me. "Will before all that her estranged uncle kidnapped her with help of a member and 2 whores. Alec's guys got a hold of one of her uncle's guys, who ratted out the member and the whores." I say, not wanting to remember that day.

"Well when said member was brought in Hunter picked him up by his throat by a few feet and then threw him across the room like he weighed nothing at all. He killed for her at the age of 12 Alec at the age of 9. They don't play around when it comes to her safety." I say as they all looked shocked.

"Well call big brother and see if he can meet with us." Clay says as I sigh and nod my head. I am not a man that is easily scared but Alec and Hunter are not two men that I would ever want to be on the wrong side of.

Jace was upset that his daddy wasn't home so I thought it would be nice to take him out to breakfast at the diner

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Jace was upset that his daddy wasn't home so I thought it would be nice to take him out to breakfast at the diner. I had him sitting next to me in the booth as we waited for our food. Jace was telling me about what he wanted to do after breakfast and I smiled and drank my decaf coffee. I was forced on Jace and never heard the group of guys come in.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing?" I hear, I turn to see who is talking. I glare at this guy as does Jace. "You should ditch the kid and come hang with us." He says as three other guys walk over.

"Yeah! I'll pass." I say showing them my wedding ring.

"You think we care about that?" Another guy asks as he sits down with me and Jace.

"You should!" I say as I hear a group of bikes pull up. "Now you really should care!" I say with a smile.. the guy looks confused.

"It's the Sons!" One of them said. The guy sitting across from me and Jace smiles.

"I'm Knox!" He says as I just look at him. "What's your name honey?" He asks as I smile.

"Married and not interested!" I say as his friends back away from us. I could feel my husband's cold stare on this asshole. I see his hand and take it. Jace smiles at her father.

"Hello mi amor!" I say looking at my husband. Hap smirks at me before slapping my ass and pointing to my car. I nod my head before turning to these assholes. "Have fun!" I say as this asshole smiles.

"Don't worry we will! I'll be seeing you again!" He says with a smug smirk as I laugh and roll my eyes.

"I was talking to my husband! Dumb ass! Don't count on that. Cause if he doesn't kill you then I will!" I say as I kiss Hap's check. Sammy, the owner and our waitress, brings our food in togo containers. I thank her and pay for our food. I walk out with the prospect. He helped Jace into the car. As I got in my seat. He nodded as he got onto his bike and we headed to the clubhouse. I could see how pissed Happy was and I was thankful it wasn't at me. Jace was not happy that we had to leave his daddy and he was making it well known to me.

 Jace was not happy that we had to leave his daddy and he was making it well known to me

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Alexander Ludwig as Knox

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