Old Ladies

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I was a little shocked to see Gemma and another lady stand at my front door

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I was a little shocked to see Gemma and another lady stand at my front door. "Hello?" I say as Gemma smiles at me. The other lady waves at me.

"This is, Luann is Otto's old lady. She also runs a porn studio called Cara Cara." Gemma says as they both walk inside. Great not just whores but pornstars!

"Hello!" I say, still a little confused as to why they were at my house. Jace comes walking out with Hap. Hap looks at me then Gemma. I shrug my shoulders at him. "Coffee? We also have water and juice if you would like?" I say as they sit at the table.

"Coffee would be great!" Gemma says as Luann nods her head at me.

"I have to head to the clubhouse. I should be back in a few hours!" Hap says giving me a kiss before putting Jace in the living room to watch cartoons.

"Sorry... I'm a little confused as to why you two are here!" I say as Gemma and Luann smile at me.

"There aren't too many old lady's in Samcro. So we wanted to have a little girl time." Gemma says as I nod my head.

"Yeah! Same with Tacoma. I think there was me, Kelly Lee's old lady and maybe a few others. So whenever I needed a girls day I went to see my sister in-law and my cousin's wife." I say as Luann smiles at me.

"Yeah it makes it hard on us when there is more crow eater and sweetbutts." Luann says as Gemma and I nod our heads.

"But you know how to handle your own so you will do just fine here." Gemma says but I could see there was more she wanted to say. "OK let's get to the point. How did you know that she was undercover?" Gemma asks as I smile at her.

"Well... As you know I am part of the James family. But my grandfather, father and brother always had me watch people. The way they walk, talk and how they act. When I pulled up yesterday. She wasn't with the other girl who were flirting with the hangarounds. She was more by the door. Almost waiting to get inside as soon as possible." I say as Gemma nods her head. "And like I said I have never had a crow eater or a sweetbutt walk up to me when Hap was around me. And when and if they have the ball to do it when he isn't looking it's more about taking dick that they believe belongs to them." I say as Gemma and Luann smile at me.

"But how did you know that she hadn't slept with any of the guys?" Luann asks as I smile at her.

"Because most girls look for the guy they want to sleep with, not to confront an old lady as soon as they walk into the clubhouse. That is unless she is up on the man she wants. She was on a mission to see who I was and why I was there. My guess is they hadn't had a chance to tell her that I was the new old lady in town and to watch her step with me." I say as Gemma and Luann start to laugh.

'You will do just fine here. And from what the guys say Hap is loyal to you and your pussy." Gemma says as I nod my head.

"He better be or I'll be the one getting a smiley done and it won't be because of a whore. Nope! I will be killing his ass." I say as Gemma laughs.

I pull up to the clubhouse to see Clay waiting for me with Tig and Bobby

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I pull up to the clubhouse to see Clay waiting for me with Tig and Bobby. I shake my head as I walk over to them. "I'm guessing Gemma made it to your house before you left?" He asks as I nod my head.

"Yeah! Olivia was a little confused but they sat down and were talking before I left. Do you know what it was all about?" I say/ask as Clay smiles at me.

"Gemma and Luann don't have many old ladies to talk to so they just wanted to get to know her and see what she is all about. Gemma also liked how she handled that whole thing yesterday." Clay says as I nod my head.

"OK! I would rather her befriend Gemma and Luann over the whores." I say as everyone nods their heads.

"I do have a question for you though... When she said spoiled Princess what did she mean?" Clay asks as I chuckle a little bit.

"Her brother gives her whatever she wants. For example when she was pregnant with Jace and wanted burgers and fries at 3 in the morning he would go and get it. That man does not know how to say no to her." I say as Clay shakes his head.

"But why did he go and not you?" Tig asks as everyone else laughs.

"I wasn't in town. I was down here at the time. But I am not much better at telling her no!" I say as I shake my head. "I have made midnight runs to get food or whatever she wanted at the time." I say as Tig nods his head at me. "And with this baby... Who the hell knows what she will crave." I say as Tig just laughs.

"You think boy or girl?" Jax asks as I smile at him.

"Girl. Olivia was not this mean when she was pregnant with Jace. Just horny!" I say as Tig smiles at me. "Keep dreaming asshole!" I say pushing Tig away from me.

"Tig do not make Hap kill you." Clay says as the rest of the guys laugh.

"OK! But really how in the hell did you too meet?" Jax asks as I smile and laugh.

"We met because Kozik was seeing her cousin Kim. Who is now his wife and old lady. She came to the clubhouse because Kim wanted her to drop off some clothes or something and I wanted her from the moment she smiled at me. We met up later that night at the fights that they held in Tacoma. I gotta watch her fight and knew I needed to make her mine and I did!" I say as Tig looks shocked as Juice pulls out his laptop and shows the guys a few of her fights! "Shit that ain't nothing, wait till you see her in action." I say as they all look at me shocked.

"So she is a female you!" Chibs asks asI nod my head.

"Close to it. She is just sweeter before she attacks. You would never know she could do that type of damage by looking at her." I say as they all nod their heads.

"She is so little and sweet..." Tig says as I smile as I think about my wife. "But holy shit did you all see that?" He says as I look at the video they are watching and it is one of her when she was only 17 and she fought a guy that was twice her size.

"She is only 17 in that one!" I say as they all look shocked as they continue to watch.

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