Moving forward

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It has been three weeks since I've seen Happy

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It has been three weeks since I've seen Happy. Three weeks since we both found out about the baby. Three weeks since I moved back to the compound with my brother. We talked everyday but he was going on more runs. He said it helped because I wasn't around for him to hold in his arms every night. I mean don't get me wrong I missed him more than anything. I would cry myself to sleep wanting him to hold me and be there for me. I didn't like that he wasn't around. Even though I was only around 9 weeks. I still wanted him to be there for everything. But I still needed time.

Kim came and got all of her belongings out of the house so I could put it up for sale. I couldn't live there anymore, not after I was attached. Kim was hurt that I didn't want to talk to her. She defended all of them without even knowing what went down. So I made her choose between me and them. Kozik showed up pissed that I disowned her. When I told him I was the only one that didn't want to be around her and that I made her choose between me and him. It was like everything clicked.

"What about Hap?" He asks as I have started to walk back into my family's home. I turned and looked at him confused.

"What about him? He made his choice to leave for the last few weeks. After... I agreed to see him once a week and talk to him everyday." I ask, as Kozik shakes his head.

"He is lost without you! Doing stupid shit. I am afraid for him. Hooking up with anything with two sets of lips." He says as I sigh and shake my head at him. I didn't want to believe that he was doing that but a part of me thought he was.

"I talk to him everyday! I know what he has been up to. And we've talked about it." I say but I am worried about him as well. "I love Hap! Don't ever doubt that. But he was the one that walked out and didn't look back!" I say as Kozik nods his head at me. I walk back into the house. I hear his bike start up and leave the house. Hunter walks in and looks at me.

"You good Liv?" He asks as I nod my head but he must have seen my tears. He pulls me into a hug. "He will come back!" He says as I sob into his chest. Alec must have walked in because the next thing I know I am in his arms as he carried me up to my room as I had a meltdown.

He places me on my bed before walking out. A few minutes later the doctor comes in and gives me something to sleep. When I woke up Happy was holding me in his arms. I snuggled my face into his chest. Earning a chuckle from him but I didn't care at that moment.

"I am sorry, baby. I didn't know that being away for this long would hurt you so much! Or how much stress you were under." He says as I kiss his chest as he kisses my head.

I was sitting in the clubhouse in Charming when my phone started blowing up

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I was sitting in the clubhouse in Charming when my phone started blowing up. Calls and Text messages. I answered Alec since Liv wasn't calling me at all. "Hello?"

"Hap! It's Liv." He says and I know it is not good if he is reaching out to me. I listen to him as he tells me how depressed she was and how members of the club and their old lady's weren't helping with keeping her stress levels down and tonight she came close to losing our child. I knew right away who it was and was not happy about it. No, I was pissed.

"I'll be back before she wakes up." I say rushing to get my things packed so I can hit the road. Bobby comes to my dorm room and shakes his head at me.

"You still have it bad for her! Don't you?" He says as I glare but nod my head at him.

"Yeah! I do... It also doesn't help that Liv is carrying my kid and is depressed and stressed out right now." I say, as Bobby looks shocked.

"Her and the baby?" He asks as I sigh before sitting down on the bed.

"Her brother had a doctor sedate her. I guess Kozik paid her a visit and it didn't go over that well. They don't know what was said and she just broke." I say as Bobby shakes his head at me.

"Why would he go to her?" He asks as I sigh and shake my head.

"I don't know. I mean she knows why I am down here. She knows that I'm on club business. I mean I have talked to her everyday. But I will admit that I didn't think it would be this long. I thought I would be back with her, and in our new house... here in a few weeks." I say as Bobby pats my back.

"Does she know that you still haven't touched a single crow eater or sweetbutt?" He asks as Tig and Jax walk in. I shake my head no at Bobby. But I know Kozik would have used that against her. I know he is still pissed that she wants nothing to do with Kim.

"What's going on?" Jax asks as he looks at my bag and then back at me.

"My girl almost lost my kid tonight. So I have to head back and check on her." I say as Tig looks shocked as Jax looks pissed.

"What the hell happened?" Tig asks as I shake my head.

"A member went and talked with her and she was already all stressed out with shit that has been going on here and there... and the fact that I have been shot twice in the last three weeks or haven't been home for the last three weeks. Her's and the baby's heart rate were sky high to the point she had to be sedated and has to be watched for the next 72 hours to see if the baby will be ok." I say as they all look at me with a mix of shock and fear for my kid.

"Why would they go to her?" Jax asks, looking confused.

"She is Olivia James of the James family mafia. Kozik's old lady is her cousin and they got into a fight and Olivia doesn't want to talk with her right now and Kozik being the ass he is went to talk with her." I say as everyone looks shocked.

"So who called you then?" Bobby asks as I chuckle a little.

"That was her brother and the head of the family, Alec James." I say as they all looked shocked.

"So! what you are telling us is that you hooked up with and knocked up the little sister of one of the most dangerous men on the west coast?" Tig says, making me laugh at all of them.

"I didn't just hook up with her. She is my old lady. She has my crow and everything!" I say as Tig smiles at me and shakes his head. Jax still looked shocked. "Look I will explain more but right now I need to get to her and our kid." I say as they all nod their heads.

I head out to my bike and drive most of the night to get to her. Once I was at the compound Alec and Hunter walked out. "She is still out. I don't know what was said but once he left she broke out crying. Whatever he said really got to her." Alec says as I sigh and run up to her room. I see her laying in her bed. It looks like someone put one of my shirts on her to sleep in. I smile and strip down to my boxers and claim into bed with her. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her close to my body.

I slept for a few hours when I felt Olivia move. I chuckled as she put her face into my chest. "I am sorry, baby. I didn't know that being away for this long would hurt you so much! Or how much stress you were under." I say as she kisses my chest and I kiss my head. God I have missed holding her in my arms.

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