Mafia Princess👑!

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I smile as my brother stands in the doorway

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I smile as my brother stands in the doorway. He is breathing heavily and looks ready to take down King Kong and Godzilla! I watch as he zones in on Wesley and starts to stock him. Hunter and Hap come in next. Hunter puts his gun on Mary and Anna as Hap puts his gun on John. As more of my brother's men walk inside, making sure that the house is clear before anything else can happen.

"Tie the whores up! Hunter, untie Olivia." Alec says as he steps closer to Wesley. "Uncle Wesley! So nice to see you again! It's been... What 10 years?" He says venom dripping from his voice as he puts his gun away.

"Alec... Please listen to me!" Wesley says as Hunter starts to untie me. "If you and Olivia..." He starts to say but Alec cuts him off.

"I don't care what your reasoning is for taking Olivia. I told you the last time I saw you that if you ever came near my sister again I would kill you! Now here we are." Alec says as he pulls out his k-bar knife. I see fear flash in Wesley's eyes. Once I was out of the ropes I lunged at Anna. I hear Alec laugh. "Liv really hates your whore of a daughter! I mean I don't blame her. After everything she has done to her. All the boyfriends she has stolen. I mean what kind of father are you to make your daughter flash her nasty pussy to all of Olivie's boyfriends. She was used up before she hit 18. All because of you." I hear Alec say as I keep hitting Anna. Hunter pulls me off of her.

"Not yet baby sis. Just give me a few minutes." Alec says as he wipes some of the blood off my face and pushes my hair out of my eyes. "I want to make this slow and painful for them. Take away everyone, one at a time. Make him pay for what he has done to our family." He says as I smile up at him.

"Alec... Please they have Anna and John's daughter! They are going to kill her if we don't give them what they want." Mary yells towards my brother.

"I don't care about her bastard child. Like I have told you you are not our family." He says not even looking at her. "After everything you all have tried to do to me and my sister to our family. You really think I would care about her child?" He asks as everyone looks at him shocked and in fear.

"Please Alec she is an innocent baby!" Anna says as she starts to cry.

"But you are not! Everything you have done to my sister. You think I give a shit about you or your kid?" Alec says/asks, moving in front of Anna. I watch as Anna starts to shake. Hap stands next to me as Hunter and a few of my brother's men have guns pointed on Wesley and John. "Olivia!" Alec calls me over to him. I walk up to him and he smiles at me. He hands me his gun and points to Mary. I smile as I turn to Mary and pull the trigger putting a bullet in her throat. I watch as she suffocates on her own blood.

"That was for our brother!" Alec says, moving towards Wesley. "See we know that you and your bitch were the ones that cut the brakes on our mom's car making her lose Christoper." He says with a sick smirk.

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