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I knew Clay wasn't happy that Hap had to call Olivia's brother

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I knew Clay wasn't happy that Hap had to call Olivia's brother. He wasn't happy when her brother showed up at the clubhouse. He doesn't like outsiders and after he said that he knew my father he was in a bad mood. Barely talked and only glared at Piney, Hunter and Alec. I guess he never knew about the meeting with Alec's father. Alec had sent his men to make sure that Hap's was safe before Olivia and Jace could go home. Alec and Hunter went with her to the store. Like Alec had said he was only here for his sister and nephews safety.

"What? Were the meetings with Christopher James about?" Clay asked as soon as Alec and Hunter were off the lot.

"JT, didn't want to step on his toes. After the shit you had gotten us into with him and his crew." Piney said as Clay looked pissed.

"I took care of all that!" Clay yelled, pointing at Piney. Piney scoffed at him.

"The hell you did! You almost got us all killed. You never went to them and explained why you killed their man." Piney yelled right back. "Chris and his crew were on their way to wipe out anyone in a reaper kutt. Because you didn't know how to keep your dick out of a married woman! Or how to be a man and face what shit you started by yourself." He yelled again. Clay looked shocked and then just pissed. "If it wasn't for JT you would be dead! I bet they still have a mark on you!" Piney says as Clay walks away pissed and mumbling something.

"What happened? What did Clay do?" I ask as Hap nods his head. Clearly wanting to know the same thing.

"Clay was messing around with a chick! Her husband walked in on them and Clay killed him. Turns out he was part of the James family. Your father told him he needed to make it right but he never did. So your father stepped in. Got it all squared away." Piney says as Hap shakes his head.

"That's why Clay has a problem with my wife!" Hap said as I looked at him confused. "There have been a few times where Clay has tried to push a crow eater or two my way. That bitch Stacy for one." He said as I shook my head.

"That ain't right!" I said as a lot of the guys nodded their heads in agreement. That made me wonder if Clay was the real reason they went after Olivia. I walked away from the guys to go and find Clay. I found him in the chapel. I closed the door and took my set.

"You killed a member of Alec and Olivia fathers crew?" I asked as he sighed.

"I was messing around with his old lady and he walked in on us. We fought and I grabbed my gun and shot him. She freaked and then told me that he was part of the James family." He said as I nodded my head for him to continue. "She told them who I was and they put a hit on me. Your old man told me to fix it before they decided to take action against the whole club. I set up a meeting with Chris's younger brother." He said as he sighed. "I thought I had fixed it and that I was in the clear. But I guess I didn't!" He says as I scoffed at him. Of course he didn't.

"Why are you pushing whores onto Hap?" I asked, making Clay glare at me.

"You and I both know that she is not meant to be part of this life." He says as I glare at him. "Hap needs a girl that is more his speed." He said as I was shocked and pissed.

"Hap loves her. She loves him." I yell at him. "You don't get to make the call on who he is with. Or any of us for that matter. That is our business." I yell as he stands up.

"The hell I don't. This is my club! What I say goes." He yells back at me. "If I want her out then she is out." He says as I shake my head.

"And it's Hap's life. You make him choose between this club and his wife and kids. He will pick them!" I yell back at him. Clay looked at me kinda shocked.

"This club is his life! He won't leave it!" Clay says, a little unsure now.

"No! Olivia and his kids are his life. And if you are a threat to them then you are a threat to him." I say as I stand and walk out to the bar. Hap is standing there waiting for us.

"Alec just called and they found that jackass that wants my wife." He says as I nod my head. "They are human traffickers. Someone paid them to come and take my wife and son." He says as we both look at Clay. Clay looks scared and I think I know why.

"They say who paid them?" I asked as Hap nodded his head.

"Yeah! They did!" He says as he gives Clay his I'm going to kill him face.

"Get the guys we need to have church!" I tell him as he nods his head again. He walks out and I turn to Clay. He went to open his mouth but I stopped him. "You can explain everything to everyone in church." I said as I walked back into church and took my seat. Clay followed me.

When the rest of the guys came into church, I was pissed and ready to take back control of my father's club. If Clay was willing to put Hap's old lady and kids in danger then he needed to be removed as President. We have rules and he has broken a few of them when it comes to Hap and Olivia. I didn't want Hap to leave the club but if it's what is best for him and his family then so be it. But I will still call for a vote to have Clay step down. This had me wondering who else he has done this to.

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