Meeting Samcro part 2

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I smile at all the guys as Hap and Jace growl at them

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I smile at all the guys as Hap and Jace growl at them. "Hello Darlin! I'm Jax!" The pretty blond one says he tries to give me a pantie droping smile.

"Nice try, pretty boy! But I like my men tall, tatted and mean! And about 15 years older than me!" I say, looking up at Hap as everyone laughs. Hap smiles down at me and gives me a kiss.

"This is Clay, president of Samcro, Jax VP, Tig SSA, Chibs, Juice, Opie and Piney! Their prospect is Half-Sack!" Hap says as I look at the prospect questionably. "Don't ask and you don't show!" Hap says as I smile up at him. "This is my wife Olivia or Liv to most and our son Jace." He says as everyone waves hello at me.

"Hello!" I say with a small smile. "Can I kill the whore that put her hand on me?" I ask looking at Clay. Hap sighs and shakes his head.

"No! Not while you are pregnant!" Clay says as Hap nods his head. I growl and roll my eyes. "Don't want to put baby killa in any danger." Clay says as I sigh.

"Will you're no fun!" I say, making him smile as an older woman walks in. She gives me a smile before she moves over to Clay and kisses him.

"You must be Olivia?" She says as I nod my head at her. "And this must be Jace?" She says as Jace nods his head at her. "Well I am Gemma!" She says holding out her hand to me and I shake it.

"Nice to meet you!" I say with a smile. Hap kisses my head. "Are you sure I can't kill that whore?" I ask again as Gemma smiles at me. Everyone laughs except for Hap.

"Olivia Marie!" Hap says in a warning tone. I roll my eyes and huff at him as he growls at me.

"Awe! It is cute when you think that scares me!" I whisper into his ear. "All it does is turn me on and make me wet!" I say as he groans and pulls me closer to him. I watch as the whores and hang-arounds walk in. The one whore that touched me glared at me. I growl as she walks up to me and Hap.

"So... What makes you so special that you can just walk in here when we were told to stay out?" She asks with a scoff. I hear Happy growl at her.

"How about this!" I say showing her my crow. "Or this" I say, showing her my diamond ring and then pointing to Hap. "See sweetheart you are the whore... Where I am the wife and old lady to a member." I say as I step out of Hap's arms and hand him Jace. "I may be new here!" I say as I grab her throat and pull her closer to me. "But like my husband, I'm the one you don't want to fuck with." I say as I start to squeeze her throat cutting off her air supply. I quickly let go and smiled at her before moving back into Hap's arms. He kisses my head as she runs to the other side of the bar.

"Baby... It is hot as hell when you do that, but I would like our child to stay inside of you for as long as he or she can." Hap says as I nod my head at him. "Good! Now let's go and get what we need for the house and unpack so I can have some fun with my wife. Maybe make her scream for me!" He says, making me giggle. We say goodbye to everyone. Will members and Gemma that is.

After we get what we need from the store we head back to the house

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After we get what we need from the store we head back to the house. I wasn't surprised when there was a black sedan parked across the street from our house. I growl as Olivia gets Jace out of the car and moves to grab a few bags to take into the house. "Hey baby! Stay inside and I'll get the rest." I say as she nods her head at me.

I start to grab the bag as I hear someone walk up behind me. "How does a biker like you land, Olivia James, Mafia Princess?" I hear a woman ask. I turn with a smile as she frowns at me.

"What can I say? It was my lucky day!" I say as she nods her head. "This is private property so unless you have a warrant... You are not welcome here and need to leave before I have my wife call the police." I say, grabbing the bags and walking to the house. I place the bags in the kitchen and head out to get more. Agent Stahl is still standing there. "What don't you get about private property?" I ask as she just smiles at me.

"I was just trying to figure out what you and Olivia James could have incommon?" She says as I chuckle at her. "I mean look at her and then yourself!" She says as I smile. If only she knew. Everything may have started out sexully with my and Olivia but there is so much more then sex to our relationship.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" I say grabbing the rest of the bags and closing and locking the car. I walk back into the house and see my beautiful wife putting things away. "Where is Jace?" I ask as she points to the dining room where she can keep an eye on him. I nod my head as I start to help her put our groceries away. "I need to call Clay and let him know that this bitch is now harassing us." I say as she nods her head. I look at her and wonder what her problem is.

After I got off the phone with Clay. I watched as Olivia cooked dinner. She still had not said a word to me. "Baby?" I say as I walk up behind her. She turns and looks at me but still doesn't say anything. "What is wrong?" I ask as I place my hands on her hips. She lets out a breath.

"We just got here and this bitch has a heart on for us." She says as I see the tears in her eyes. I quickly pull her into my arms.

"Shh! Baby... I promise you nothing will happen to you, Jace or our little one." I say as she cries into my shirt. Fuck! I hate it when she cries. "I got you baby!" I say as she continues to cry. "She knows who you are." I say as Olivia looks up at me. "She knows you are a James." I say as Olivia looks shocked as she shakes her head.

"So, that is why this bitch has a heart on for us." She says as I nod my head at her.

"I think she is going to try and mess with your head." I say as she looks confused. "Get you to turn on me!" I say as Olivia glares at me.

"Do you think I would turn on you?" She asks as I shake my head at her.

"No baby, I don't. But with you being pregnant and emotional... I think she is going to put it into your head that I am fucking around on you." I say. "Which I would never do. I love you Olivia, you and our kids, so fucking much!" I say placing my hand on her stomach and smiling at her before I kiss her.

"I love you baby! You know I would never turn on you. But you want to keep that bitch out of my head." She says as I nod my head. "Then you do your part to keep that bitch out!" She says as I smile at her.

"That will be easy... Since I am here for a while and plan on being with my wife as much as possible." I say as I kiss her neck. "And believe me I don't want anyone but you!" I say as she moans and grabs my kutt.

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