Behind Every Man

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was pissed that the AFT wouldn't leave Olivia alone and now I needed to do a run to Indian Hills for a week maybe more

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I was pissed that the AFT wouldn't leave Olivia alone and now I needed to do a run to Indian Hills for a week maybe more. Jax said he would make sure that Olivia was taken care of and looked after. Which made me growl at him. He then assured me that nothing would happen between him and Olivia and she would kill him for coming close to her. I smiled and nodded my head as he was right. My wife only had eyes for me as I only had eyes for her.

"Besides, Tig is the one that wants to get down and dirty with your wife." Jax says as I shove him away from me.

"I'll kill him if he even gets close to her!" I say, Jax just laughs as I sit and pout. I hate being away from my wife. Even though I know she can take care of herself.

"I do want to talk to her about how her brother got out of guns and drugs? We need to start being smarter about how we do things. Not only for us but for our families." He says as I nod my head.

"Go straight?" I ask as he nods his head. "I would ask if the club can buy into her business but we have agreed that her money stays away from the club business. That way they can't freeze both of our accounts when and if we get looked at. But I could ask her what would be a good way to start earning legit!" I say, as Jax nods his head.

"Makes sense and is smart and that would be awesome." Jax says as I nod my head at him.

"I mean I'm not too sure about strip clues but We need to have a backup plan for when shit hits the fan and we have ATF up our asses. Like we do now!" He says as I nod my head.

"Agreed Brother! I mean if I didn't have Olivia... Taking care of my mother... I don't know what I would be doing to keep her healthy. I know I wouldn't be able to do half of what Olivia does for her." I say, as Jax just looks at me. "Olivia and I had gotten into a fight over me doing so many runs because I didn't want to use her money to help my ma. She reminded me that my ma is her family as well and that she wants my mother around for our kids just as much as I do!" I say, as Jax nods his head.

"I would listen to her. I don't know if you know this but your wife can be scary, when she wants to be." Jax says as I start to laugh.

"You have no idea. I always thought that I was a bad ass mother fucker. That was until she came into my life and let me tell you women are strong and not to be messed with. If you find the right one. That is." I say, as Jax laughs.

"Go home, and spend the rest of the night with your wife and kid." Jax says as I smile at him.

"Thanks man." I say as I pat him on his back and head to my bike. I headed out as quickly as I could since I didn't want anyone stopping me. The whores here are more aggressive than in Washington. Olivia has had to put more than one in their place. But with her being pregnant I quickly broke it up.

~Three days earlier~

"Sweetie... We all know you can't handle a man like Happy! He is too much for a little thing like you!" Stacy says to my wife. Olivia smiles at her.

"Is that why I have the crow, the ring and his kids?" Olivia asks as she still has a smile on her face as she sits on my lap.

"Just cause you have them doesn't mean he isn't sleeping with one of us." She says as Olivia grabs her by her hair and slams her face into a table. Stacy falls to the floor crying. Olivia looks at me and I shake my head.

"That shit ain't happening. I would never cheat on you!" I say as Olivia looks back down at Stacy.

"Then it won't matter if I kill her?" Olivia says as she holds up my k-bar knife. Stacy looks scared as she tries to back away from my wife. I smile as I shrug my shoulder.

"You can't be serious!" Stacy screams. Olivia smiles as she grabs her again.

"Sweetie! I'm a James by birth and a Lowman my marriage. But I made a name for myself all on my own. As a fighter and a killer!" Olivia says as Stacy looks around scared. Stacy's eyes land on me.

"I ain't going to help you. You were just spouting bullshit about me cheating on my wife, my old lady and mother of my children. You are about to get what you deserve!" I say as Stacy starts to cry.

"Look I am sorry. But can you blame me? He is hot and he doesn't even look our way." Stacy says, Olivia nods her head in agreement.

"That still doesn't give you the right to try and breakup our family. You are worse than a whore. You are a rancited nasty gash!" Olivia says as Stacy at her with a sad and sorry look. "You are the lowest kind of homewrecker there is." Olivia says as she throws Stacy to the ground. "If I ever see or hear about you near my husband or any other member that has an old lady... I will find you and your family and I will have no problem killing every last of them saving you for last." Olivia says, Stacy nods her head and takes off out of the clubhouse.

"I don't think we will be seeing her ever again!" Opie says as Olivia smiles at him.

~End Flashback~

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