Killer's Queen

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

Clay called and asked me to come to the clubhouse and to bring Olivia with me

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Clay called and asked me to come to the clubhouse and to bring Olivia with me. I could hear Tig asking what she was wearing. I growled as Clay told him to knock it off before Killa came to play! After I got off the phone with him I sighed as I looked over at my naked wife. I smile as I cuddle back up to her as she moans in her sleep. I smile as she slowly opens her eyes.

"Hey baby!" She says, making me smile as I slide my hand up her body and pull her closer to me.

"Morning little girl! We need to head to the clubhouse!" I say as she groans, making me chuckle and slap her ass.

"Why?" She says as she kisses my chest. I groan as I know we don't have time for what we both want to do.

"Not sure but he wants you and Jace there as well." I say as she pouts at me. "Don't pout at me!" I say as I kiss her hard. "Now get that fine ass up and ready for the day." I say as I pull the sheets off of her. I smile as I see the small little bump that is starting to form on her body. Knowing that we are going to be having another baby makes my fear spike as shit is still crazy here. I was broken from my thoughts as I heard the shower running. I smile and jump out of bed to join my wife in the shower.

I park my bike as Olivia parks her car. I smile as she gets out and grabs Jace. I walk over to her to grab Jace's bag. She smiles at me as I put my arm around her. Tig and Chibs meet us outside. "What's going on that we need to come in?" I ask as they shake their heads at me.

"Whore decided to run her mouth after you left. Pissed Gemma off." Tig says as he looks Olivia up and down. I growl as he is now pissing me off. He quickly throws up his hands. Chibs smiles as he tickles Jace.

"Keep it up Tig... Brother or not I will kick your ass for eye fucking my old lady!" I say with a growl as he smiles at me.

"Well if a whore is a problem..." Olivia says handing me Jace. I look at him and then her. I quickly had Jace to Chibs as I chased after my pregnant wife.

"Baby! You promised no fighting while you are pregnant!" I say as I see Olivia walk up to the whore from yesterday.

"I heard me and you have a problem?" Olivia says as the guys are ready to step in if this whore puts her hands on my wife.

"Yeah! We do!" The whore says with a scoff, making Olivia laugh.

"You know I have had to deal with your kind my whole life." Olivia says as she circles the whore. Clearly making her nervous. "My older brother and cousin went through their phase of wanting free and easy pussy. My cousin was a whore. God I hate her. So nasty and dirty. No respect for herself." She says as she looks at me. I give her a sad smile. "Then when I met Hap and had to deal with your kind again. Thinking he would want you over me all the time. Even on our wedding night!" She says as I growl at that memory.

"But with me being the James family Princess!" Olivia says as the whore now looks really scared. "Not to mention the wife and old lady to Happy Lowman. I have learned a lot in my 24 years of life." She says as She circles her once again. "Like you have only been here for a few months if that. But you haven't slept with any of them. Why is beyond me. I mean they are a good looking group of guys." Olivia says as Clay looks at her to continue.

"How would you know that?" The girl asks as everyone waits for Olivia to continue.

"Easy... Yesterday when I showed up with mine and Hap's son. Your eyes told the whole story. You all knew that I was here for Hap and that I had Hap's son. He looks so much like his father it's scary. Protective too. Doesn't let any man close to me and he is only 2!" She says as I smile over at Jace, who is now in Gemma's arms. This bitch just huffs. "Then there is how you walked right up to me when I was in Hap's arms." She says with a smile. "See I've been with Hap for over three years and not once has a whore ever stepped to me when I have been next to him. Too scared to piss off a member and ruin a chance at being an old lady!" She says as I look at her sideways.

"Wait! What do you mean?" Jax asks as everyone looks confused minus Olivia and Gemma.

"What I mean is not once has a crow eater or a sweetbutt ever come up to me while I was within arms reach of Hap. They aren't stupid they wait until members aren't around or are to far a way to listen." Olivia says, "So that means you are A: Two new to know how things work. B: Truly think that you are better than an old lady or C: Which is my guess... A spy for Agent Stahl!" Olivia says as the whore looks scared as she looks around at everyone.

"You are crazy!" The whore says as she backs away from Olivia.

"Yeah! A little." Olivia says as she smiles at me. "I blame him." She says as she points to me. I smile and shake my head as Chibs pats me on the back. The whore tries to run but Olivia grabs her. "Before you go! Let Agent Stahl know that she is fucking with the wrong bitch and the wrong family." She says as the whore nods her head. Olivia lets go and smiles before she grabs her phone.

"Hey bubba! I need a favor!" Olivia says with a smile. "I need an undercover taken care of!" She says as she holds an ID in her hand. "ATF! Macy Grand. God that sounds like a whores name." She says as a few of us chuckle. "For pissing me off. Do I need a reason to have a whore killed? Or a Fed for that matter" She yells then starts to nod her head. "Yeah! Yeah! Fine. Love you too. Kiss Dom for me!" She says hang up the phone and smiles again.

"You do know we could have taken care of that." Clay says with a growl.

"OH! I know... I just didn't want it to blow back on the club!" She says as Clay nods his head. "And I am sorry I overstepped." She says as Clay nods his head.

"If it protects the club then, I'm good with that! Just try not to do it again." Clay says, smiling at my wife. Olivia nods her head.

"I will try. That's the best I can give you!" Olivia says as Clay and Gemma chuckle at her. "I'm not used to taking orders... Spoiled Princess here!" She says as she points to herself. I laugh but nod my head.

"So, true!" I say as she slaps my arm. "What it is. I don't think your brother can physically tell you no! Hell no one in that crew will tell you no!" I say as she smiles at me but nods her head.

"When you said, wrong bitch and wrong family... What did you mean?" Juice asks as I roll my eyes. Olivia smiles as she turns to me.

"What she means is that Alec James sees the Sons as some sort of family since Olivia is my wife and old lady and since I am a member." I say as Juice's eyes go wide. "So when and if we need help he will do as much as he can to help us." I say as Olivia nods her head. "As for the wrong bitch part, look up Liv Morgan and you will know why the wrong bitch!" I say walking up to my wife and kissing her head. I watch as Juice gets on his phone. Within a few minutes his eyes are wide, looking from his phone to Olivia. I nod my head and smile as Olivia giggles.

"Holy shit! You're a hot version of Hap!" Juice says, looking at Olivia in a whole new light, me and Olivia laugh.

"OH! Believe me she could give anyone a run for their money in that ring or anywhere for that matter." I say pointing over to the boxing ring. "When she is not pregnant... That is!" I say placing my hands on her growing belly. Olivia giggles as I kiss her head.

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