Not to Be Messed with!🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

We lay in her bed for what feels like 5 minutes but has been over an hour

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We lay in her bed for what feels like 5 minutes but has been over an hour. I know we need to talk about what was said but I don't want to upset her any more than she already is. I keep one hand one her stomach as my other arm is wrapped around her.

"I need you to tell me what happened!" I say as she shakes her head at me. "Olivia please don't shut me out of our kids' life. We almost lost our baby last night. I need to know what happened!" I say as she starts to trace my tattoos on my chest. I know she is doing it to distract me from what I was wanting to talk about. I grab her hand and make her stop. "Olivia... Please tell me what upset you!" I say pulling her so there was no room in between us.

"Kozik came here wanting me to talk with Kim and when I told him no. She had said some things making me make her choose between me and Kozik. Things that had to do with our baby. He then brought you into it. Telling me how you are fucking anything with two sets of lips." She tells me and I growl.

⚠️ Smut begins-🔞 you have been warned⚠️ 

"Olivia, that is not true. I haven't been with anyone besides you!" I tell her as I see a tear run down her face. "I will be back in a couple of hours. I have to check in with Lee." I tell her when I am really going to kill Kozik. She shakes her head clearly knowing what I am about to do. "Olivia, there are rules and you do not come at a member's old lady when she is pregnant." I tell her I kiss her head before getting up and getting dressed. I see that she is now sitting up in her bed. I bend down and kiss her. She deepens it. I know she doesn't want me to go. We both moan as I pull her over to me.

"I need you! Hap!" She says as she pushes my kutt off of my shoulders. I growl as I want to be inside of her so bad but I also need to make it clear that no one messes with my old lady and mother of my child. "Please baby!" She says as I lose all focus on going and killing Kozik. I strip out of my clothes and claim on top of her. I know all she has on is panties and one of my shirts. I remove my shirt from her body and her panties. In one quick movement I slid inside of her. Both of us moaning at the feeling of me being inside of her.

"Fuck three weeks is to long to go without being inside of you!" I say with a groan as I thrust in and out of her. She pulls me down to her lips and kisses me.

"Please don't ever stay away that long again!" She moans out. I smile and kiss her neck.

"Never again baby! Never again!" I say as I continue to kiss her neck and thrust deep inside of her. I feel her orgasm approaching as my balls are ready to bust. Giving her a few more good deep thrusts before I kiss her as she cums for me as I moan into her ear as I cum deep inside of her. "You need to rest and relax... I am going to go and take care of things and will be back." I tell her as I get dressed. She looks scared when the doctor walks in.

⚠️ Smut ends😔

"Good morning Olivia!" She says with a smile. She looks at me and smiles. "Hello I am Olivia's OBGYN, Dr. Thomas and you are?" She asks with a flirty smile. I hear Olivia growl at her.

"I'm Happy... Olivia's boyfriend and father of the baby!" I say as the doctor now looks scared.

"OH! Well hello!" She says with a smile but her eyes are cased down. I look at Olivia and she is glaring at the doctor.

"Yeah... You too." I say. "Babe... I will be back later and we will talk more!" I said to her, I watched as she nodded her head at me. I leave the room and see Alec and Hunter talking to a few of their men by the front door. I stopped to talk with them before I went and hunted down Kozik. Alec nodded for me to meet them in his office.

I sat in there for a few minutes before they walked in and closed the door. Alec sat behind his desk as Hunter sat next to me on the couch. "So what did he say to my sister?" Alec asks,folding his arms over his chest.

"He told her I was cheating on her with anything with two sets of lips." I tell them. Alec and Hunter both look at me questionable. "I'm not... Since I met her, she has been the only one that I have been with." I say as they both nod their heads at me. "I don't know why he would tell her that but I am going to take care of that." I say as they both nod their heads at me.

"Do you know what Kim said to make Liv want her out of her life?" Hunter asks, I shake my head.

"All she has said is that she said somethings about the baby. I don't know what was said but it had to be bad." I say as they both nod their heads again. "I'm heading out to take care of a few things and then I will be back!" I say as I stand up. They both nod their heads before I walk out and head to my bike.

I arrive at the clubhouse and I see both Kozik's bike and Kim's car in the lot. I growl as I walk inside and see them sitting on the couch drinking and laughing. I grab an empty beer bottle and throw it above their heads getting their attention. Kim looks scared as Kozik looks pissed until he sees me.

"You almost cost me and Olivia our kid!" I say as now he looks scared.

"Hap..." He says as I growl.

"Shut the fuck up! I don't care what you have to say! I almost lost my kid because of you!" I yell as I get closer to him. Lee and Donut are trying to hold me back. "You go near Olivia again and I will kill you..." I say as he looks at me shocked as I get into his face. "I have never cheated on Olivia. Can you say the same?" I say as Kim looks at me confused before she looks at Kozik. Kozik looks at Kim shocked. I knew that he slept with Cassie when he and Kim first got together.

"You fucking asshole!" Kozik yells as he throws a swing on me but misses.

"What don't like it when a brother suggests to your old lady that he has been cheating on her?" I ask as he shakes his head at me. "Yeah! Well I don't like it when my so-called brother tries to start shit with my old lady when I am not around. Knowing damn well that she is pregnant with my kid." I say as Kozik and Kim look at me scared. "If Kim wants to talk to Olivia then she needs to stop being a little bitch and go over there. But if you go anywhere near her... and I am not there, I will kill you. I mean it!" I say as I get into his face.

"Look I am sorry... Kim has been trying to talk to her but Liv wont. I thought if I went and talked to her then maybe she would. But I got pissed and said shit I didn't even know was true or not." He says, making me growl at him.

"And you should have asked me before you went to her. Olivia is still my old lady! I told you we were still together." I growl at him. "Stay the hell away from my old lady!" I yell into his face. "As for you, what the hell did you say about our kid that made Olivia so mad?" I ask Kim but she shakes her head and starts to cry.

"I can't..." She says before running up to the dorm rooms. I stop Kozik from going after her.

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