Hell hath no fury

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I was not feeling well the next morning, but I made sure to get up with Hap and make sure he had everything he needed

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I was not feeling well the next morning, but I made sure to get up with Hap and make sure he had everything he needed. I kissed him before he had to leave as I knew he was having a hard time leaving us with the ATF still around. I assured him that we would be fine and that he didn't need to worry about us. Gemma wanted to do lunch with me and Luann a few days after Hap had gone on his run but I was uncomfortable with letting one of the whores watch my son.

"Gemma I don't let just anyone watch Jace! And I sure as hell don't let a whore watch my son." I said as Gemma just looked at me funny.

"It is only for an hour what could go wrong?" She asks as now it was my turn to look at her funny.

"A lot! Whores should not be trusted with anothers womens child when they are trying to fuck their fathers!" I say as Gemma nods her head at me.

"Ok I will give you that!" She says as I smile at her. "Then it looks like he will be coming with us." She says as Luann pulls into the lot. I watch as the whores all sit around and talk. I see Stacy has shown back up and was talking to the prospect. He shakes his head at her and points to the gate.

"The boys don't want her here anymore after what she did with you and Hap." Gemma says as I nod my head at her. "Your old man flipped shit the other morning when he came to meet up with the other nomads and she was here.

"Yeah! He called and told me she was here. Said she tried to apologize to him. But he told her to fuck off and to stay away from him and us." I said as I watched her walk our way before Jax and Tig stopped her and pointed at the gate. I see her yell at them before storming off.

"Stupid Bitch!" We hear Clay say from the garage. "What does she not get about do not come back?" He says as me and Gemma start to laugh.

"I don't know man? But if Happy finds out she was anywhere near Liv he is going to go bat shit crazy after she threatened her and their children!" We hear Piney say. I stood there in shock. She did what now.

"I am sorry she said what now?" I asked as I walked out into the garage. Both men looked at me with an OH! SHIT we fucked up look on their faces. "It's ok I'll call my husband and he can tell me what she said!" I say as I walk to my car and grab my phone.

"Hey little girl." I hear Hap say as all I want to do is slap him through the phone. But it is nice to hear his voice.

"Victor Jace Lowman... Did that whore threaten our son, unborn child and myself?" I ask, I could hear him growl as I knew he was now pissed.

"Who told you?" He asked as I let out a deep breath and I was now levied with him. I know he wanted to protect me but I hate it when he hides it from me.

"Does it matter? You should have been the one to tell me. Not me over hearing the guys talking about it?" I yell into the phone. I hear him growl and I know that one he is not happy to be away when someone, even a whore has threatened his family's lives and two I am being disrespectful to him even though no one is around me.

"Little girl... I love you but if you don't start watching how you talk to me. I am your husband not some fuck boy! Your ass is about to be a nice shade of red when I get home." He says as I just smile.

"Please we both know I like it when you spank me! And then fuck me so hard I can't walk the next day!" I say as I hear him groan this time.

"Play fair baby. At least until I get home." He says with a hint of a moan. "And I didn't tell you because she isn't a threat. She is just some dumb whore that thinks she is scary." He says as I scoff at him. "I mean it, Olivia. Jax and Clay both know what she said and have been keeping taps on her. "I will be home late tonight so you better be ready for me." He says as I smile.

"Red or Black?" I ask, making him growl again.

"White it always looks better when I make your ass all nice and red. And that ass will be red by the time I am done with you!" He says, making me laugh.

"Bring it on Daddy!" I say in a seductive tone. I hear him groan.

"Baby. I love you but you are going to be the death of me if you keep teasing me." He says as I smile.

"Well if you hadn't you lied to me about when that bitch was here and what she said... Then maybe I wouldn't be teasing you so bad." I say as there is nothing on his end.

"That's low little girl even for you!" He finally says as I giggle at him.

"Well I get into even more trouble when I yell at you when you are away. So why not do something that will bring us both pain and pleasure at the same time!" I say as Hap groans at me.

"Mmm... I like the way that sounds coming out of that pretty little mouth." He says as I just smirk at the phone.

"Of course you do, baby. You know how much I love every inch of my body being dominated by you!" I say as he moans. "See you tonight my love!" I say and hang up before he can say anything else to me. Earning me a few more spanks from him when he gets home. I smile as I walk back to Gemma.

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