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Six months after Jace was born and Olivia gotten back into shape as she put it

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Six months after Jace was born and Olivia gotten back into shape as she put it. It's not like she didn't look good with a little extra weight on her. We were married with all of her family and All of the Tacoma charter and some members from other charters. No one from Samcro could make it. Olivia still kept Kim at arms length as did Alec and Hunter wifes. Olivia was trying to let her in more but she still is werrie of her being around Jace. I wasn't too surprised as I was werrie of her as well. I had been told by a few brothers that she was still upset that Olivia had a baby and we had married and her and Kozik were still boyfriend and girlfriend.

Now here we are married for two years and Kim and Kozik finally married and Kim is expecting their first child. As me and Olivia are trying for another baby. Things still haven't gone back to the way they were when me and Olivia first got together but they are better. I was at the clubhouse when Kozik came in and looked like he was in a fight with a bear.

"What happened to you?" I ask, trying not to laugh. Clearly he and Kim have been fighting again.

"Kim and I got into another fight. Again!" He says, making me laugh. "I don't know how you did it with Olivia when she was pregnant." He says, making me look at him confused and a little pissed off. What the hell does that mean?

"We never got into fights like this!" I say gurstering to how he looked. He glares at me.

"Kim thinks I am cheating on her!" He says as I burst out laughing. Yeah no! We never fought about that. I always made sure I came home every night unless I was on a run.

"Why would she think that?" I ask, trying to calm myself. He looks at me annoyed.

"Because I didn't come home for a few nights." Kozik says as I shake my head at him.

"Did you cheat on her?" I ask, now looking at him confused. I know he loves Kim but with how they have been going at it. I wouldn't blame him.

"No... I didn't. We had gotten into a fight and I stayed here a few nights. But I always went to bed by myself and woke up by myself." He says as I nod my head at him. "But she doesn't believe me. What should I do?" He says/asks. I shrug my shoulders at him.

"I wish I could tell you. But Olivia and I never had that kind of fight when she was pregnant. We fought mostly over what we wanted to eat for dinner. Or what we were going to watch." I say as Kozik groans at me. I know that is not what he wanted to hear but I was only telling him the truth. Olivia and I never fought about things like that. I always made sure that she knew I was faithful to her.

"Thanks for the help!" He says before walking off to his dorm room. I shake my head as he walks away. I sit there a few more moments before Kim comes storming into the clubhouse.

"Where is he?" She screams. I point to the dorm rooms. She storms up the stairs as a few of the guys look at me crazy. I shake my head as we hear them yelling at each other. I smile as Olivia and Jace walk in and over to me.

"Hey babe!" She says, giving me a kiss. I pick up our son and kiss her again. She hears Kim and Kozik yelling at each other. She walks past me and up the stairs. I hear Olivia yell at the both of them to stop their bullshit and to go home and fuck it out and move on and for Kim to stop acting like everytime Kozik leaves the house he is cheating on her, cause soon with how she is acting he will. When she gets back down stairs every club member is clapping.

"Thank you! They have been doing this almost everyday." Lee says as Olivia shakes her head. Kim and Kozik come down stairs and walk out of the clubhouse. I smile at Olivia and she takes Jace from me.

"Alec wants to know if we can make it to dinner on Sunday?" Olivia asks as I shake my head. I have to head back to Charming to help them with a problem.

"Yeah! About that. Lee just got a call from Charming and I need to head down there for a few days." I tell her and she doesn't look too happy about it. I know over the last few months I have been going there more than normal. She growls and wakes away from me. I follow behind her. "It's not what you think, little girl." I say as she just grunts at me.

"Please tell me what I am thinking?" She says, full of sass as she taps her foot. I point my finger at her.

"Watch it little girl." I say as I walk up to her. "My mom is getting worse and I have been going there to check on her. I am not messing around behind your back. We have gone over this many times. You are it for me!" I say as I pull her into my arms. I kiss her head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks and I sigh. She glares at me. I know I should have, I just don't like using her money to take care of my mother.

"Because... I don't want you to pay for her treatment. You know how we are. A man takes care of his family." I said to her, as she looked at me disappointed. I hate that look.

"Hap... We have talked about this. My money is yours and your family is mine. If you need help with her treatment then let me help. I want what is best for her as well. You know that." She says, I sigh but nod my head.

"I know and I am sorry. It's just I hate feeling like I can't do it without your money." I say as Olivia shakes her head at me.

"My money is your money. That is why I put you on all of my accounts and took Alec off of them. That is why you have like 10 debit cards." She says putting her hand on her hip that isn't holding Jace. "So what you are going to do when you go down there and see your mother is put one of those cards on her account so they can bill it and so we know that she is taken care of." She says now poking me in the chest. Jace tries to copy her, making both of us laugh.

"Yes my love!" I say kissing her head. "I also waited to talk to you about maybe moving down there. Being closer to her. So she can see Jace more." I say as she nods her head from side to side.

"Would you transfer to Charming or is there one closer to her?" She asks, I shake my head at her.

"I would go nomad." I say as she looks at me crazy. "If I go nomad I would have more time to be with her and with you and Jace." I say as she nods her head.

"Ok! Well this is really up to you. You know I will go wherever you go." She says, making me smile at her and kiss her. I knew she would but I also know that her family is all up here. Even if she has her brother's men down in California it won't be the same. I felt a little bad asking her to move for me and my mother. Even though I knew she loved my mother.

"I love you!" I say holding her in my arms.

"Love you too!" She says kissing me. Jace screams for us to give him attention. I smile at my mini me before taking him from his mother's arms.

"Hey, little man, Daddy can kiss mommy all he wants. That's what started this and how you were made." I say as Olivia slapped my arm. "What it is." I say, earning another slap from Olivia. "That first kiss... When we were in, five mile. Fuck how I wanted to bend you over that table and fuck you until the sun came up." I say pulling her into my side. She shakes her head at me but I could see the small smile on her face. 

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