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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I laid awake watching Olivia sleep. I didn't want to leave her but I knew that Samcro needed my help. I sighed as I had to get up. I needed to shower and get ready to leave. I unwrap my arms from around Olivia. I watch as she rolls over revealing her naked back and the top of her amazing ass. I groan as I cover her up. I need to keep my head straight or I wont leave her.

I hopped into the shower, taking a quick one. I got out and saw Olivia sitting up on the bed with my kutt in her hands. I smile as I get dressed and she stands up naked and helps me put my kutt on. I growl as I know what she is doing.

"I know what you are doing baby!" I say as I wrap my hands around her naked body.

"And what am I doing?" She asks, making me growl as she pushes her body into mine. I smash my lips into her's. I hear her moan, making me pick her up and move us over to the bed. I feel her hand on my belt buckle. I backed up from her. Making her pout at me.

"I would love to make you scream and cum for me... But I have to head out in an hour. And I want to get this done and come home to you and our baby!" I say to her as she pouts at me. I kiss her again before I lay her down and kiss her belly. "I love you both so much!" I say into her belly and then her lips.

"We love you too!" She says, making me smile at her. "Come home to us!" She says as she cups my face. I nod my head at her.

"I will always come home to you and our children." I say as she smiles at me. I kiss her again before I have to head out.

I wasn't too happy that Kozik was coming with me. I was still mad that he almost cost me and Olivia our baby and I was pissed about what Kim said to her. Olivia never asked for any of the things that have happened to her. And to say that her and our baby should have never made it out of that house she was being held at. Kim walked over to me, making me growl.

"I know you know what I said to her. If she didn't tell you then Alec would have. I never meant to say that to her." She says as I scoff at her.

"Yeah right!" I say with another scoff.

"Look Hap... I get that you are mad at me and Kozik. I sent him over there to talk to her. She won't take my calls." She says as I scoff again at her.

"I wonder why... You told her that her and our baby should have never made it out of the house!" I yell at her, making everyone including Kozik look at us. I don't give her a chance to say anything else to me as I take off on my bike. A few of the guys follow behind me. Once we arrived in Charming I headed right into the clubhouse. I haven't said a word to Kozik.

I was greeted by Tig and Bobby waiting at the bar. Tig glares past me and I knew it was at Kozik. Bobby looks over at me and I shake my head at him. I really don't want to talk about my old lady and kid right now. I sit with Tig and Bobby when Jax and his junkie wife walk in. I roll my eyes as she tries to flirt with me.

"Chapel now!" Clay yells as he comes inside. I walk in and Take my seat as they always have one ready for me.

"So the guy that we are after... Has made a little threat to us." Clay says as I look at him confused. "He told us that if we don't back off, he will start to go after our old lady's!" Clay says as I shake my head. "All old lady's will need to be put on lockdown." He says as I shake my head.

"Hap's Old lady won't do a lockdown without him being there." Kozik says as Clay looks over at me.

"Only cause your bitch is there!" I say as Kozik tries to get closer to me but Bobby stops him.

"Why?" Clay asks as I glare at Kozik. "Who is she?" Clay asks as I now growl at Kozik.

"Olivia James but she also goes by Liv Morgan. She is the younger sister to Alec James!" I say as everyone looks at me shocked except for Jax, Bobby and Tig and. The Tacoma guys laugh.

"You are talking about the biggest mob boss on the west coast?" Clay asks as I just nod my head. "And what does Kozik's old lady have to do with anything?" He asks.

"Her and Olivia are cousins," Kozik says as he glares at me. Clay looks over at me and I nod my head.

"Some shit went down a month ago and Kozik's old lady decided to tell my old lady that her and our kid should have never made it out alive. That is why she won't go on lockdown with her." I say as Clay nods his head at me.

"Is there going to be a problem with the two of you?" Clay asks as we both shake our heads. "Good let's find this asshole and keep our women safe." He says slamming the gavel down. I walk out of chapel and over to the bar, Kozik walks up next to me.

"I didn't know what Kim said to her. If I had I never would have gone to her like that!" He says as I nod my head and take a shot. "I am sorry man!" He says before walking away from me. I take another shot before grabbing a beer and heading outside to calling Alec and Olivia.

I wasn't surprised when Alec chuckled and said that she already was. Olivia was not surprised that they would go for the women. She said that men that didn't have backup alway went for what they thought was a man's weakness. I laughed as she always thinks like me and I love that about her. She doesn't judge me for anything, doesn't look at me like I am a monster.

"So how did your old lady take being on lockdown?" Clay asks as I chuckle a little.

"Better than most!" I say pointing over to where Jax is talking to his junkie of a wife. "I called her brother first and he laughed and said she already was on lockdown. She didn't say much about being on lockdown, just that whoever it is clearly doesn't have backup and they are going after what they think is our weakness." I say as Clay looks at me shocked.

"Smart girl." Clay says as I nod my head at him. Gemma walks up and glares at me.

"What is this I hear about you having an old lady and a kid on the way?" She said, making me smile at her.

"Her name is Olivia and she is nine weeks pregnant." I say as I show them a photo of Olivia!

"Damn she is beautiful!" Gemma says as Clay nods his head

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"Damn she is beautiful!" Gemma says as Clay nods his head. "When do I get to meet her?" She asks as I shrug my shoulders at her.

"Got a temper too." I say as Gemma smiles at me. "I want to bring her down. There has never been a good time. But I will try to bring her down soon." I tell her as She hands me back my phone. To see Alec calling me. I groan as I answer it.

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