Charming life my ass!

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I was pissed when that cunt Agent Stahl showed back up at our home

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I was pissed when that cunt Agent Stahl showed back up at our home. I put on a fake smile as I opened the door. "Mrs. Lowman... I am Cassie Smith and I am with CPS. I am here to do a welfare check on your son Jace." The CSP worker says, I smile at her before my face turns dark.

"Warrant!" I say as they both look shocked at me. "To enter this house you need a warrant." I say as I hand her a card. She looks at it then me. "This is the number for my attorney... you will also be wanting to contact one yourself since it will be your ass that I sue for whatever false claim you accusing me of." I say to the CPS worker, before I turn to Agent Stahl. "As for you Agent. I will be contacting your boss and filing a harassment claim against you!" I say as they both look shocked.

"Mrs. Lowman... I am just acting in the best interest of the child." Cassie says as I scoff at her.

"Do you know how long we have lived in Charming?" I ask as she shakes her head at me. "Three days." I say as she looks to agent Stahl and glares at her. "So tell me what I could have done in three days to have anyone call CPS on me?" I asked. Cassie shakes her head.

"NO, need Mrs. Lowman. It is clear that it was a false report. I can see your house is clean and well taken care of." She says, pointing behind me at the clean house.

"I try to keep my house as clean as possible with a two year old." I say as she nods her head at me.

"Thank you for your time Mrs. Lowman!" She says before walking away. I smile at Agent Stahl.

"You think you are clever don't you! I will break you and that club." Agent Stahl says as I smile at her.

"Come at me through my son again and it will be you that disappears next time!" I say with a sweet smile before I blow her a kiss. She looks shocked. "Now I have a few phone calls to make!" I say as I close the door in her face. I grab my phone and call Hap and then call my contact at the ATF. I knew he would be pissed but when he showed up with most of the members of Samcro I was shocked.

I was pacing as he and the guys came walking into the house. Jace is playing on the floor. Hap looks at me and then at Jace. Seeing nothing wrong with either one of us he sighs in relief. "What did that bitch do this time?" He asks as I shake my head at him.

"She got CPS involved. I am going to gut her the next time she comes to this house." I say as Hap looks around at all the guys. "I didn't let them in but I know it was that agent cunt that filed the report against us." I say as Hap wraps his arms around me. "I don't know what to do here, Hap... I don't want to over step the club but she is threatening our son." I say, Hap just shh me.

"Nan darlin... When it comes to your kid you do what you have to." Jax says as I nod my head.

"So I can kill her?" I ask as they all chuckle and smile at me.

"Let's not go there just yet. Call your brother and see what he thinks before you do anything like that." Hap says as I nod my head again.

"I already called and put a harassment claim on her. So here is hoping that she will leave us alone for now." I say as a few of the guys look at me confused. "We have cameras all over the outside of the house. We have caught a few times where she comes to scoop out our place as well as a few of her team members." I say as they all nod their heads at me.

"Yeah, we may need to step up security a little more." Hap says as I look at him confused.

"Like what? We have cameras all over the house." I ask as Hap smiles at me.

"Like an attacked dog! One that will alert us that someone is around our house." He says as I shake my head at him.

"I can't have my brother uproot his family because of some cunt who can't take a hint that I won't turn on my husband or his club." I say, making Hap laughs.

"I am going to tell him you said that!" Hap says as the guys start to laugh.

"Go ahead! He will find it funny! Probably say the same thing." I say waving him off. He shakes his head at me.

"If you talk about your brother that way I wonder what you say about Hap behind his back?" Tig asks as I smile at him. He chuckles as looks over at Hap, who is glaring at me.

"OH! If the walls could talk they would scream at me to not talk shit about my husband and father of our children!" I say as Hap growls at me and Tig laughs.

"Can I stay here and talk with her... Just for a few hours." Tig asks, looking over at Jax as Jax tries not to laugh. "I will be good!" He says as he holds on to Jax's arm.

"She better not be talking shit! Or her ass is about to be red as a fire truck!" Hap says with a growl as I laugh at him.

"Don't worry baby! I'm not. Yet at least!" I say, walking up to him and kissing his cheek. He growls and slaps my ass.

"Darin how connected are you?" Jax asks as I smile and Hap groans.

"Me not so much... My brother very much so." I say as they all looked at me confused. "My brother is very smart. Changed how things were done for our family. Went clean for a few years when I was little. Didn't want the possibility of him going to jail and me going to another family member for them to run the family into the ground. Made some contacts in the FBI, ATF and a few others. Then... Turned them so they worked for him." I say as they all look shocked.

"Holy shit!" Juice says as he sits on the floor playing with Jace.

"But most of what he does is leget. Doesn't want to chance his guys going to jail and leaving their families. So Porn, strip clubs, Gentlemans clubs and shit like that. Got out of the drug and guns a few years back. Too much shit to deal with losing too many guys." I say, As Jax looks at me and smiles.

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