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I was pissed that this guy thought he could talk to my wife

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I was pissed that this guy thought he could talk to my wife. I glared at him as I slid into the booth Jax sliding in next to me. "You all are new here, right?" Jax asked as the guy nodded his head. "Then you don't know that some women are off limits!" He says as the Douchebag scoffs at us.

"We have been here for a few weeks. My boy grew up here. He told us about you all." He says as Jax smiles. I grunt as he was starting to piss me off even more.

"Then he should know what that crow tattoo on her means. Women with it are off limits to all men except for the one it belongs to." Jax says as this douchebag just smiles. I was ready to jump across the table and kill this asshole.

"We mean no disrespect. She is very pretty and young. Too young for him. From what I have heard you all don't treat your woman very well. Thought I would give her the opportunity to be with a man that would give her all she needs." He says, making me growl.

"Well what you have heard is wrong... Especially when it comes to her and her old man. Trying to mess with her will end with you in a body bag or buried where no one can find you." Jax says as I smirk at him.

"Next time you or any of your boys come near my wife again they won't find the bodies. And she will help with a smile on her face. She is mine and I will kill for her." I say as I guy nods his head.

"And tell you boy that is from her to educate you on how things are done in this town. Cause the next time you cause problems in this town it won't be the cops that come for you. It will be us." Jax says as he stands up and lights a smoke. I wanted to kill this asshole.

"Is there a problem here?" Uncer asks as Jax smiles at him. I get up and glare at the guy.

"No Chief. Just letting the new guys know that Happy's wife is off limits! And to stay away unless they want to have a problem." Jax says as Uncer nods his head. "Have a good day boys!" Jax says making me, Opie, Tig and Juice laugh. We walk out of the diner and Jax stops and smiles.

"Well... Well... If it isn't Chris... Fuck what is your last name?" Jax says as this asshole looks scared. "I am guessing those are your boys in there?" He asks as the guy nods his head. "You might want to remember how things work here. Cause if your boys try to mess with another old lady it won't end pretty for any of you and that goes for your family as well." He says as this Chris guy nods his head and walks around us.

"When does Alec get here?" Opie asks as I smile and look at my watch.

"In about an hour! And he is bringing his best guys. All of them have known Olivia since she was a baby." I say as they all look a little scared.

"Ready for war are they?" Juice asks as I nod my head.

"I told you Alec does not play when it comes to Olivia. And with Jace and the baby it ain't taken any chances. If these assholes are a threat to her and our kids then he will take them out. No questions asked." I say as they all nod their heads.

I was pissed as soon as Happy told me that there was a new club in the town my baby sister was at and that they had a thing for pretty blondes

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I was pissed as soon as Happy told me that there was a new club in the town my baby sister was at and that they had a thing for pretty blondes. I know what that meant. I got Hunter and our closest guy, ones that have known Olivia since she was a baby together and got on my private plane.

We landed at a private air strip. I messaged Happy letting him know we would be at their club house in 45 minutes. The drive was long as no one said a word. We all focused on keeping my baby sister and her kids alive and out of harm's way. When we arrived at the Sons clubhouse I saw nine guys waiting for us. One of them being my brother-in-law. I look at Hunter and he nods his head at me.

Hunter and I stepped out and nodded my head at my brother-in-law. Hunter looks around making sure that this is a safe place for my sister and nephew to be. He nods his head. "Hap!" I say as he shakes his head.

"You know I would never bring them anywhere that isn't safe!" He says as I nod my head.

"You know me... I have to make sure when it comes to my baby sister, nephew and new baby. It is nothing against you or your club. You know that!" I say as he grunts.

"Let me introduce you to Samcro." He says as I smile and shake my head.

"I know one of them already. How are you doing, Piney?" I say as I shake the old man's hand.

"Shit! I didn't think you would remember me." He says as He shakes my hand. "Good to see you son." He says as I smile.

"Yeah... Little hard to forget the man that gave you your first shot of liquor." I say as Hunter laughs.

"I remember that. Piney and John came to talk about guns with your dad. Piney keeps sneaking us shots. We were like 13 at the time." Hunter says as Piney laughs.

"Wait, you all know my old man?" Blonde guy asks.

"John Teller, we met him a few times before he passed. Not sure what your dad and my dad talked about. All we knew at the time was that it was about guns. After he passed we never heard from the Sons again." I say as Hunter laughs.

"That was until this one and the blonde dumb ass decided to fall for our sisters." Hunter says as Hap laughs as well. One starts to laugh.

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