What is mine!

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I was fuming when we got into church. Clay hired this asshole to get my wife away from me. He paid them to kill my son and unborn child. I knew that no matter what, my wife and babies will be safe, I will make sure of that. Alce wants me to leave the club and come and join the family. Better money, more time with my wife and kids. I hate to admit it but I have been thinking about it. Olivia would get to be with her brother and Jace would grow up with his cousins. But I still loved my club. I was in a rage when Jax asked juice to play the video of the guy's confession.

"Who are you?" I hear Alec ask as I see the asshole that wants my wife.

"Knox Morrow!" He says as Jax looks wide-eyed at Clay most of us do!

"You are related to Clay Morrow?" Hunter asks as Alec smiles wickedly at Clay's kid.

"Yeah! He is my father." He says as Alec and Hunter both smirk.

"Who is your mother?" Hunter asks as I asshole doesn't say anything. "Kill his buddy! Make it slow and painful. Remember these assholes are trying to hurt our princess and her babies!" Hunter says as someone starts to scream.

"Scarlett Jones!" He yells and the screaming stops.

"Marcus's whore of a wife! I remember she had a kid a few year befor Clay killed her old man. She sent you off to live with her sister. My father always suspected that you were Marcus's kid because of that." Alec says as Hunter nods his head. Clay's kid looks pissed.

"Didn't your dad put her in one of the whore houses as punishment for what happened to Marcus?" Hunter asks as Clay and the asshole look pissed.

"He did! But after a few years she killed herself. Guess she didn't like being free pussy to any guy that wanted to fuck her!" Alec says with a smile. "Did you ever wonder what happened to your mom? Where she is buried? Why, she never came back for you?" Alec asks as this asshole still looks pissed. "When your sperm donor killed your whore of a mothers husband. It started off a whole new war. A war your mother knew... Your daddy wouldn't live through. A war that was only for him. So when the rightful President of the club came to talk to my father it was agreed that no harm would come to your father, but your mother belongs to us! For Seven years she was giving to any guy who wanted to fuck her. Your father never came for her. He left her to be used and abused by anyone and everyone." Alec says as Hunter smiles.

"How does it feel to know that your father didn't care about the woman that gave him a son. Instead he was fucking JT wife while JT was fixing what your daddy started." Hunter says as Clay looks at everyone scared. "Looks like you are just as low as your no good piece of shit father. Touching what doesn't belong to you!" he says as I nod my head.

"I want to know why?" Alec asks as Clay looks really scared. Alec nods to someone behind the camera. There is a gunshot. "Little boy! Me and my men have no problem killing for my sister. We have all done it and will do it over and over again." Alec says with a smile. "But maybe this will make it more clear!" He says as I waved someone inside. I watch as my wife walks into view of the camera.

"See, my father instilled that family is everything. Whether it is blood or not. When you become part of a family they are your reason for doing whatever you have to do!" Olivia says as she picks up random knives. "My mother! Well she always said that when you have a child of your own you will know what real love is all about and to make sure that no one ever harms your child." She says as she picks up a scalpel. Two of Alec's men bring one of his friends. "I wonder how many cuts will it take before I have him screaming like the little bitch he really is?" She says as she walks over to the guy that Alec's men are holding. "Where should I start?" She asks as she taps the blade on her chin. I smile as she motions for them to remove his shirt.

"It's my turn to ask a few questions." Olivia says as she walks around the room and the guy she is ready to kill. "Why did Clay pay you to take me?" She asks, this is what I wanted to know.

"He wants you away from Happy. He thinks you are a distraction to him and the club." He says as the asshole glares at him. "He doesn't like that Happy runs to you at the drop of a hat. Club first!" He says as I shake my head. Jax looks pissed as this new asshole spills everything after being asked one question. Olivia smiled as she looked down at him.

"Now that wasn't so hard." She says as she looks at her brother. "When one won't answer there is always another that will." She says as she puts the scalpel down. And walks over to Clay's kid. She pats his check and smiles. "Never in a million years would you or any of your little boys have touched me or my son! See whether you want to believe it or night... I am just as deadly as my husband. And like my husband I will do anything and everything to keep those I love safe." She says with a devilish smile. The feed was cut off after that.

"You hired your bastard son to take my wife and kill my kids!" I say in a deadly tone.

"She doesn't belong here. Or with you!" Clay yells as he looks around the room. I shake my head.

"You have no say in who I fall in love with. Who I choose to be with!" I yell back at him.

"I motion for a new president!" Piney says as I nod my head.

"I second that motion!" Bobby says. "You overstepped your place when it comes to a member's personal life. Not only trying to harm an old lady but going after his kids and wanting them killed!" He says as he looks at Clay in disgust.

"Then we vote. In one hour! I want to talk to my mother about what I just heard." Jax says as I look at him pissed. "We also need to vote on if Clay receives Mayhem!" Jax says as Clay looks at him shocked. "You went after a brother's wife and kids. We can't just demote you to a member or just kick you out of the club." Jax says as he takes the gavel out of Clay's hand.

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