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I waited a few minutes after Hap left before I said anything to my doctor

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I waited a few minutes after Hap left before I said anything to my doctor. I was pissed that she would flirt with him right in front of me. Without even knowing who he was. "I am sorry... I shouldn't have flirted with him. That was unprofessional of me!" She says as I nod my head.

"Yea think?" I ask as I glare at her. Isa walks in and she doesn't look all that happy right now. I don't know what she heard but she is also glaring at the doctor. After Dr. Thomas was done checking on the baby she left in a hurry.

"Stupid fucking bitch!" Isa says as she helps me up.

"What did you hear?" I ask her and she sighs and sits down next to me.

"All of it... She did the same thing when I was pregnant with Dom and she did the same thing with Mia. You need to tell your brother." She says as I nod my head at her. We walk out of my room and down the stairs and I see her leaving the house. I walk over to my brother's office as Isa walks over to the kitchen. I knock on his office door and wait for him to answer.

"Come in!" I hear, but it sounded like Hunter not Alec. I walk in and see an Angry Alec and a pissed off Hunter. I look between the two of them as I walk over to my brother.

"Liv what do you need?" Alec asks a little rougher than he normally would. I step back from him. "I'm sorry! I don't mean to be an ass with you." He says as he walks around his desk. "What can I do for you little sister?" He asks as I give him a small smile.

"That doctor that you have checking on me and the baby. I want her gone!" I say as they both look at me confused until their wifes walk in.

"She hit on Hap... Didn't she?" Hunter asks as I nod my head at him. Alec shakes his head and looks at me.

"I need a minute with my sister!" Alec says, making me look at him questionably. I watch as everyone walks out of the office leaving me and Alec alone. "Why didn't you tell me what Kim said to you?" He asks as I shake my head at him.

"I don't know." I said to him, "I was hoping that she didn't mean what she said. But she did. Kozik only cares about me forgiving her so you won't disown her." I say as Alec puts an arm around my shoulders. "How did you find out?" I ask as Alec smiles down at me.

"One of the guys was going through the tapes and saw you slap Kim. So of course he had to know why." Alec says with a small frown. "You still should have told me." He says as I shake my head at him. I have replayed that whole conversion over and over again. And I still don't know who we went from: Hap saved her, to maybe you and your baby should have died in that house.

"It doesn't matter anymore... I want nothing to do with her." I say as Alec now shakes his head at me.

"Hunter called her after we saw the footage. She is really upset about what she said to you." He says making me scoff at him. "I mean it Liv. I want you to talk with her." He says as I look at him shocked.

"You're joking right... NO! I will not talk with her. As it is, her and her boyfriend are the reason I almost lost mine and Hap's baby." I say with another scoff.

"Liv, she is family... Hunter is going to talk to her again before I give the ok for you and her to talk. I don't want you to lose my niece or nephew. So it won't be any time soon." He says as I huff in annoyance.

"And If I still don't want to talk to her?" I ask as Alec smiles down at me and I stomp my foot. Cause I know I will do what my brother asks me too.

When I arrive back at the compound I head right to Olivia's room

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When I arrive back at the compound I head right to Olivia's room. I want to make sure that our baby is ok. I walk in and close the door as she comes out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, making me growl as I walk closer to her. She looks at me and smiles.

"When will the new house be ready?" I ask, ready to claim her in every room once we move in. I remove her towel and groan as she is so fucking beautiful.

"Tomorrow!" She says as I smile at her as I remove my shirt. "We are able to move in." She says as I smile at her. I pull my shirt over her head.

"So is your head on right?" I ask, making her shake her head at me. "Are you ever going to tell me what Kim said to you?" I ask as she huffs and sits down on the bed. I sit next to her and take her hands into mine.

"I was telling her what had happened and then about the baby and we went from me being confused on how you could have picked her over me to her telling me that me and the baby should have died in that house." She says and I am seeing red. I didn't know how Kim could be so cold to her after everything that she had just gone through.

"That is not true baby! God how wrong she is about that." I said to her "It would have killed both me and your brother if we had found you dead in that house... And then to find out you were carrying my baby. I wouldn't be able to move on. I would have joined you and our baby." I say as I move her onto my lap. "You are my everything. My life... Without you I can't breathe." I say as I kiss her neck. I hold her as I try to calm myself down. I was pissed that Kim would say something like that to her.

"Hap?" She says as I rub up and down her legs.

"Hmm?" I say as I bury my face into her neck and start to kiss, lick and bite her neck. I hear her give me a soft moan. I groan as I move her so she is straddling my lap. "I have to head back to Charming in the morning." I say as she grinds against me.

"What if I don't want you to go?" She asks as she rubs her hands up and down my chest.

"I know baby... But they need my help and it is only for a week and then I will be home and we will be in the new house." I say as she undoes my belt buckle. I lick my lips as I lift my shirt off of her. I need to make sure she knows that I love her and only her. "Merry me!?" I say as she looks at me shocked.

"What!?" She asks, still looking shocked.

"You heard me!" I say, kissing her nose then her lips, cheek, jaw, and her neck. "I love you Olivia... I never thought I would ever calm an old lady... Yet here you are with my crow. Never thought I would have kids... Yet here you are carrying my baby. Never wanted to get married and only be with one woman. Yet here I am asking you to be my wife. Take my last name and be by my side until the reaper comes for us." I say as she smiles up at me.

"Yes!" She says as I kiss her with all I have. She is mine and I will never let anyone take her from me.

"I love you little girl!" I say as she smiles at me.

"I love you too daddy!" She says as I start to kiss down her body and to our little one.

"I love you too little one." I say kissing her belly. I never thought I would be with someone I would love more than my mother or the club. But Olivia and our baby are my everything. 

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