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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I was pissed that we were waiting to vote. Jax waited to talk to his mother about what was said about her and Clay messing around before his father was killed. I knew he needed answers but this man was going to have my son killed and my unborn baby. He was going to have my wife taken from me. I would never do that to another member.

Yes my wife is a mafia princess but she is my wife. old lady and mother to my kids. There are laws within the club that state that going after wether it is sexual or to do harm is not aloud. Punishable by excommunication and or receiving mayhem. Clay should receive both. He went after my whole world. My wife and kids.

The whole hour Jax was in the office talking to Gemma. When he came out he was pissed. I knew that what they had said was the truth. Clay and Gemma were together before his old man was killed. I know I wouldn't be a part of this vote as I was nomad and not Samcro. And that pissed me off even more. "Church!" Jax yelled. I sat at the bar and waited for the doors to close. "Hap you too!" Jax said, making me nod my head and walk into church. Clay hadn't moved from his spot at the table. Jax grabbed the gavel ready to start.

"Before we start... I want to say a few things." Clay says as we all just look at him. "I was only doing what I thought was right for this club. But I never should have gone after Hap's wife and kids. I am sorry!" He says as I glare at him.

"Yeah! How sorry are you for sleeping with my mother when my father was still alive?" Jax asks as Clay looks at him annoyed.

"I will not answer that!" Clay says as Jax just nods his head.

"We all know why we are here. So let's vote. Excommunication first followed my mayhem." Jax says as I nod my head at him.

Excommunication Vote

"Yes!" Tig says as he won't look at Clay

"Ay!" Chibs says as he looks at Clay. I wonder if Clay had anything to do with Jimmy O taking Chibs' wife.

"Yes!" Opie says as I know Clay had something to do with his wife's death. "This isn't the first old lady he has gone after." Opie says as he glares at the table.

"Yes!" Piney says as I knew he would. Being Opie's father. "I am ashamed that you are our president." Piney adds.

"Yeah!" I said as I looked Clay right in the eyes. No one and I mean no one goes after my wife and lives.

"Yes!" Juice says before he puts his head down on the table.

"Yes!" Bobby says as he glares at Clay. I knew he was pissed.

"Yes!" Jax says as I nod my head. "One down and one more to go! Clay is out of the club. This next one is more up to you Clay." Jax says as we all look confused. "Either we kill you or we hand you over to the James Family to do it." He says as I smile at Clay. "Either way your ink will get blacked out before you leave here!" Jax says as I nod my head. "So we now vote on if Clay meets Mr. Mayhem." Jax says as I see everyone nod their heads.

Mayhem Vote

"Yes!" Tig says still not looking at Clay.

"Ay!" Chibs says as he nods his head at me

"Yes!" Opie says with a nod of his head.

"Yes!" Piney says as he also nods his head at Jax.

"Yes!" I say. "Either way I will get a piece of him for what he tried to do to my wife and kids!" I say as Clay nods his head.

"Working for another crew, Hap?" Clay says with a smug smirk.

"Nope! But they won't stand in my way of killing you! Seeing as their princess is my wife!" I said as Clay looked a little taken back.

"Yes!" Juice says as he lifts his head and looks at Jax.

"Yes!" Bobby says as he nods his head as well. "Our laws are clear and Clay has done this already. Taking the life of Donna." He says as I nod my head. I would ask if Opie could be a part of it if Clay chooses to have the James family handle his Mayhem.

"Yes!" Jax said as he looked at Clay and glares. "Alright Clay. Now you have decided. How do you want to handle your mayhem? Us or The James family!" Jax asks, making Clay glare at all of us.

"I am disappointed in all of you! I was only looking out for this club." Clay says as I growl at him. "I make the hard calls so you all don't have too." He says as I am ready to kill him here and now.

"You don't get to decide who we are with. That is not your call!" Bobby says as he slams his hand on the table. "Who we are with is not up to you! Olivia has been with Hap for over two years. Never started any problems." Bobby says as he glares at Clay.

"And here she hasn't done anything to cause trouble. ATF is here because of us, not her. She handled a spy so we didn't have to get our hands dirty and so it didn't blow back on us." Piney says as he shakes his head. "You... Dislike her because of who she is, who her family are." Piney says as I nod my head.

"So! Who is your new president?" Clay asked as He smiled at all of us.

"We will vote on that once you are taken care of." Jax said as everyone nodded their heads. "Now! Who do you want to handle your mayhem?" Jax asked again.

"The James family!" He says as I nod my head.

"Ok! Hap go get your Tattoo kit. We black out all tattoos that are SOA related. Then we will give you a few days to get your affairs in order. Before we hand you over. You will have two members with you at all times." Jax says as I nod my head. Jax slams the gavel down. Calling the end of church. Jax and Bobby take Clay's gun and knife off of him. I stood and walked out of church. I smiled as I saw my wife and son. I walked up to them and kissed Jace's head before kissing my wife. 

This is the end of Happy's Killer Queen! Next book coming soon☠

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