Son of a Son🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

Hap had tried to make it to every appointment for the baby

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Hap had tried to make it to every appointment for the baby. But I knew that things would come up as long as he was at gender ultrasound and the delivery I could have cared less about him missing a checkup here and there. Hap tried to not go on as many runs but there were times where he had to. We moved into the new house once he got home from Charming when I was only 10 weeks pregnant.

He would come home every night, unless he was on a run. The bigger I got the more he wanted to have sex with me. I thought it was funny as he would try to go easy on me but all I wanted was to be fucked like there was no tomorrow. Which he loved when I told him. We found out we were having a boy. Happy was excited to have a little outlaw on the way.

Alec and Hunter stopped bugging me about talking to Kim. When I told them that I wasn't ready to forgive her for what she had said. Hunter found out that she was pissed that I was pregnant and she wasn't. Even though she and Kozik had been trying to have a baby. But it still pissed me off that she said those things to me.

When I was 39 weeks and hanging out with Hap at the clubhouse since he wanted to show off my baby bump. The whore kept glaring at me and Hap kept glaring back at them. He made a few comments that would make them look away from us. Kim stayed away for most of the time. But she ended up sitting next to me at one of the tables.

"I am sorry!" She said as I nodded my head. Hap pulled me closer to him. "Olivia, please talk to me." She says with a whine.

"I don't trust you anymore Kim!" I tell her as she looks down at the ground. "You don't tell your family that they never should have made it out after being kidnapped. Just because they were pregnant and you weren't. That's not what families say to each other!" I say as she nods her head. Kozik looks over at Kim sadly. Kim walks away with Kozik following behind her.

"You should go easier with her. She is trying... here!" Hap says, making me scoff at him. He grabs my chin and makes me look into his eyes. "I mean it Liv!" He says as I roll my eyes at him. He growls at me before standing up and pulling me along with him. When we get to his dorm room he pulls me inside and closes and locks the door.

Before anything could happen I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and bent over. Hap was by my side before I could blink. "Baby! What's wrong?" He says as he holds me up. I feel a gush of water and look over at Hap.

"I think we have a jailbreak!" I say as Hap looks scared. I have never seen him look scared. I started to panic and he quickly picked me up and rushed us out of the clubhouse.

"Ok! Call your brother and tell him what is going on!" He says as I start to have a contraction. Fuck! Those hurt like a bitch! After I talked with my brother. We got all set up in our room. I only wanted me and Hap in the room. I was in labor for 6 hours before our son Jace Victor Lowman was born.

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