Is an amazing women🔞

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Smut in this Chapter!- Description of sexual activity, body parts, Inappropriate language, gif that show Semi sexual activity. As well as other things inappropriate for Readers under the age of 18.🔞

I walk into the house to hear Jace screaming and laughing as he runs past me

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I walk into the house to hear Jace screaming and laughing as he runs past me. Olivia is not far behind as she says she is going to eat his little belly for dinner. I laugh when she grabs him and picks him up and pretends to eat his belly. "Daddy save me!" Jace yells as he holds out his hands for me to save him from his mother. I grab him and hold him in my arms.

"Their mommy can't get your belly any more!" I say as Olivia pouts at both me and Jace. Jace giggles as I start to tickle him. Olivia laughs as Jace starts to wiggle and laugh.

"I guess mommy's not so bad now!" She says as Jace reaches for her to help him.

"Save me mommy!" Jace says, making me laugh even harder. Olivia shakes her head at him and helps me tickle him. After about a minute we stopped. I put him down and he decided that the floor was a good spot to catch his breath. I pulled Olivia into my arms and Kissed her.

"I love you!" I say as she cups my face and kisses me again.

"And I love you, Happy Lowman!" She says as I just hold her a little longer. "When do you have to leave?" She asks, making me sigh.

"In the morning. But I have the rest of the day and night with you and the little man." I say as Olivia smiles up at me. "Which means daddy is going to make sure that mommy is well taken care of before he leaves." I whisper into her ear. I hear her giggle as I reach down and squeeze her ass.

"Now! That is what I want to hear!" She whispers into my ear. I grona as I know that I am going to be a every happy man later tonight. Jace hugs my leg, taking away my attention away from his mother.

"Hey little man!" I say as I pick him up. "What should we do for dinner?" I ask as Jace looks from me to his mother. He smiles at me.

"Pizza!" He says as he looks over at Olivia before hiding his face in my neck. I look over at my beautiful wife and smile at her. She sighs but nods her head at me.

"Fine! Pizza, it is for dinner" She says as Jace yells yeah and I kiss her. See Olivia likes to cook so we normally have a home cooked meal and only take out food every once in a while. I mean I love coming home to a home cooked meal but every now and again it is nice to let her take a night off and sit and relax.

"Thanks babe!" I whisper as Jace wiggles out of my arms and runs to his room. So I wrap my arms back around my wife. Olivia nods her head as she knows that I love spending as much time with her before I go on a run. Before Jace was born we used to spend that time in one of our beds. Now we watch a movie as a family and after he is in bed we take care of each other in a naughty fun way.

I went and ordered the pizza while Olivia and Jace set up the living room for our movie night. I smiled as Jace got into his spot as we waited for the pizza. Olivia and I sat on the couch as Jace was talking about what he wanted to watch. After the pizza showed up Jace went and grabbed the movie he wanted to watch. We sat on the floor and ate as Scooby Doo played. Jace smiling the whole time.

We watched one more of his movies before it was bathtime then bedtime. I gave him a bath as Olivia cleaned up the living room and got his room ready for bed. I smiled as he was in his bed ready for bed. He requested that I come and read him a story. Olivia always laughed when he would do this.

⚠️ Smut begins-🔞 you have been warned⚠️ 

I mean I am Happy Lowman, the Tacoma Killer and here I am reading a bedtime story to my 2 year old son. But I wouldn't change it for the world. Half way through the book he was out like a light. I kissed his head before leaving his room and looking for my wife. I smiled as I found her in our room wearing my favorite lingerie as she sat on our bed.

"Baby... You are too good, to me!" I say as I remove my shirt. I watch as she licks her lips as I reach for my belt. I smile as I make a come here motion with my finger to her. She stands and walks over to me, making me even harder for her. "On your knees!" I say as she smiles and drops to her knees. I groan as I quickly pull my pants and boxers down.

"Open!" I say as she looks up at me through her eyelashes and opens her mouth. I moan as she takes me into her mouth. I watch her work more and more of my dick into her mouth. I growl as she starts to play with my balls. "That's it baby... Make me cum in that pretty little mouth." I moan as she picks up the pace. I growl as I cum into her mouth. And like always she takes all I have to give her.

"Such a good girl for daddy!" I say as she licks her lips clean. "Now daddy wants his dessert!" I say as I help her stand up. "But, first daddy needs to unwrap it. I say as I turn her around so her back is to my chest. I kiss her neck as I cup her breast. I hear her moan making me smirk as I move on hand around to her back and unclasp her bra. I slowly remove it from her body as I kiss her neck. I smile as I slowly lower her panties off of her.

"Get on the bed!" I say as she looks at me confused.

"How do you want me daddy?" She asks as I smile at her.

"Don't worry baby I will tell you here soon." I say as I climb onto the bed and lay down. "Come!" I say as she crawls onto the bed. "Come and sit... Here!" I say, pointing to my face. She looks unsure as we have never done this before. I have always taken everything in baby steps with her not wanting to push her over the edge or freak her out. She came and sat over my face. I growled as I pulled her even closer so I could eat her amazing pussy. I heard her gasp as she held onto the headboard.

"OH! Shit, Hap!" She moans as I go to town on her and she screams from her orgasm.

"Fuck! Baby... You are delicious." I say as I clean her up. Not wanting to waste a drop of her sweet release. I pick her up and lay her on her back. I move up her body as she smiles at me. I rest just at the entrance of her pussy. I watch as she wiggles. I smiled right before I rammed into her. She gasped as I did not let her have any time to get over the shock of what I had done. I smiled down at her as she grabbed my arms as I set a punishing pace on her. I was careful not to go too hard as she is pregnant and I didn't want to hurt her or the baby.

"OH! Fuck! Hap!" She moans as she is hit with another orgasm.

"That's it baby!" I say as I continue at my pace. I moan as she arches her back and meets me thrust for thrust. I continue at this pace until I am about to cum. "Cum with me baby!" I moan out as I move my hand in between us and start to run her cilt. Both of us cum together and hard.

"That better hold you over until I get back!" I say as she giggles at me.

"Please you know you are the only one I want!" She says as I pull out of her and lay down. I smile over at her and nod my head.

"And you are the only one I want to do that to!" I say as she cuddles up next to me. I smile as I pull the blanket over us. We soon both fall asleep. 

⚠️ Smut ends😔

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