Chapter 46
Peter's Pov:
After that extremely awkward interaction between Ned and his mom everyone introduced themselves. There was a lot of fangirling on Ned's part.
Ned and I are walking behind everyone to not draw too much attention to ourselves, Ned's mom, to Ned's delight, went off somewhere.
Tony's leading the pack, Clint and Pietro at his sides. Nat and Wanda are behind them, Steve, Bucky and Sam are next.
Bruce and Stephen seem to be having a heated discussion about bouncy castles.
Thor and Scott are bringing up the rear end, Thor's animatedly telling Scott about the Shawarma Banana Poptart cookies we made a while ago and Scott is listening intently.
I don't see Loki.
I turn to Ned, "Hey, do you see-" I'm cut off by a high pitched scream.
I turn and see Loki, in the basketball court. "What is THAT?!" He shouts, clearly disgusted, and points.
I run over and look to wear he's pointing. "Um, Loki that's some old Kraft Dinner, um, Macaroni and Cheese."
Loki looks from me to it then mumbles something about mortals and being above moldy pasta. He sighs a very dramatic sigh then waves his hands. He disappears.
A floating gold throne appears with Loki sitting on top, there's little wheels shaped like dinosaurs on the bottom and a big red button on one of the arm rests.
"Thank you Peter, this is much better. Let me know if you want a ride as well." he says before slamming his fist on the button. The throne starts moving back to the group. The little dinosaurs look like they're working hard.
I walk back to the Ned.
"Lokiissocooool!" Ned squeals.
I look back at Loki, "Yeah he is pretty cool," I smile. He is so cool.
No matter how this night goes, I know I have the best family in the world.
I peer ahead and see Tony's entering the building. He lowered his sunglasses to squint at the school then pushes them up, wipes his hands against each other then pushes the d-
"Dude, this is by far the strangest and best day of my life! Better than the day a lady bought be a churro!" Ned says grinning at me.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts, "No! Way! A lady bought me a churro once too!" I jump up and down in excitement. Uh that was such a good day, such a nice lady.
Ned starts jumping up and down too as he describes the lady.
"That's what my lady looked like too!"
More jumping.
"NERDS!" someone, obviously Flash, shouts from behind us. "What are you fangirling over this time? A book?" Flash laughs.
"Uh, you read books too Flash. That time you got a signed copy of The Fault in Our Stars, you wouldn't stop talking about it for months." Ned points out and and Flash huffs.
He pushes past us then speed walks ahead.
I look ahead but don't see anyone but kids and parents. "Come on Ned, we got to hurry." I say and we jog to the entrance.
We enter and Ned ducks behind me. I turn to look at him questioning what he's doing.
"It's my mom!"
"Oh." I whisper then broad my shoulders as wide as possible in hopes of hiding him.
"Damn Peter, you got a back."
"Um, yes... Don't you?"
Ned smiles then his smile turns upside down into a frown.
Flash sees us and laughs. "What are you, a model? Oh wait, you look like you're five." he laughs and skips off.
"Phhff. You look at least twelve."
"Dude." Thanks Ned.
"It's o-"
"Ned, I see you. Come on, Ned, we got to meet with" Ned's mom pauses and looks at a sheet of paper, "Harringteen Roger? You know who that is Ned?"
"Sorry dude." I whisper as Ned sighs.
"Yes mom, Mr. Harrington." Ned waves at me then reluctantly joins his mom.
I wave back. Now I just need to find my family...
I sigh.
Problem solved.

You're not Steve
Fanfiction14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...