Peter's Pov:
As we pull up to school I see two police cars.
"Why do you think those are here?" I ask looking at Tony.
"Dunno." He says staring at them.
"Be careful." Pietro says seriously.
"I will," I reply as I unbuckle.
"Have fun at school" Steve says and I smile.
"I will, bye guys!"
"Wait Peter, don't forget it's meet the teacher night tonight." Tony says turning around to look at me.
Oh yeah! I forgot about that.
"Maybe just lay low today, don't get in trouble." Tony smirks.
"I'll try," I laugh and wave as I get out of the car.
I start to jog over to where Ned and I met yesterday when I see Flash standing beside a police officer.
They look like they're looking for someone, weird. I start to laugh remembering my strange incounter with flash last night and sprint over to Ned.
"Peter!" He whisper screams and I wave.
He pulls me down behind the bush. "Did you see the police cars?" I ask.
He nods. "I'm guessing you don't know why they're here?"
I frown, "No, do you?"
"A rough idea, they called your name over the announcements a couple minutes ago."
"What! Why?" I ask confused. So much for laying low today.
"I don't know, but I don't think it was to congratulate you on anything."
I nod, "You know what's funny? I saw Flash last night."
Ned's eyes widen, "how is that funny? Also what happened with the portal?"
"Oh that worked out fine, there was a bad guy we needed to stop." I reply smiling.
"We?" Ned asks confused.
"Oh uh, I mean my parents! They needed to stop the bad guy. Not me." I say quickly.
"Oh okay. So what happened with flash last night?"
"Well I was on pa-" I stop myself realizing I can't say patrol. "A walk and saw him toilet-papering his own house."
Ned's mouth drops and my smile fades. Why isn't he laughing, I thought that this was funny?
"What's-" I get cut off by the announcements going off.
"Peter Parker please report to the main doors, Peter Parker." I don't recognize the voice, it must be a police officer.
I look at Ned, then walk off to the main doors. I try and think what this could be about then it dawns on me.
Flash was toilet-papering his own house. Flash was standing next to the police officer. The police officer called my name.
Flash hates me.
Oh god.
Some thunder rumbles and I can't help but laugh. It's like Thor sensed that I thought the word 'god'.
"Oh Thor." I correct myself outloud smiling.
When I get closer I see Flash whisper something to the officer while pointing at me.
I wave then realize that I probably shouldn't have. Oh well.
They walk towards me and the officer tells me to follow him. We then walk inside the school and into Morita's office.
He gestures to a chair so I sit down. Morita sits down across from me and Flash sits beside me. The officer leaves the room.
I'm honestly so confused.
Morita takes a very long sigh, "Mr Parker."
"Hi." I say and he closes his eyes.
"I was really hoping to not see you today." He says. Rude.
"Yeah me too. I don't know exactly what you think I did but I'm pretty sure I didn't do it." I say.
"Well that's not what Mr Thompson says over here. And what you did is pretty serious." He says looking at Flash.
This whole situation is so dumb, Flash toilet-papered his own house and called the cops or something. I start smiling at the thought of how much Flash must hate me.
"Listen Peter. I know you don't want to be here, I don't want to be here, Mr Thompson doesn't want to be here. And I'm sure the police officer's don't either. So if you can just admit what you did this'll all be so much easier." Morita says with annoyance.
I pause for a second to think of what to say, "I really didn't do anything but I know none of you'll believe me, just call one of my parents and tell them I'm in trouble or whatever."
His mouth goes into a thin line then he leaves the office. Once the door clicks shut I turn to flash.
"I know you did it yourself last night."
He mouth falls open, "Whaaa...t?"
"I don't understand why you hate me so much."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he says flustered.
"Sure you don't." I say then turn away from him.
We both sit in silence and I decide I should probably text someone so they know what's going on.

You're not Steve
Fanfiction14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...