Couldn't Sleep?

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[Authors Note: A lot of Pietro's Pov, hope you don't mind! It's kind of short but all my chapters are. Hope you enjoy!]

Chapter 12

Pietro's Pov:
I think Peter's gonna be the death of me. I love him so much!! Even though we only just met.

I don't think he liked having the tests done, but he was brave and did them. Me and Bucky haven't left his side the whole evening.

We are setting up his bed right now. "Peter are you sure you dont want us to to sleep in here with you?" Bucky asks.

"Yeah I'm sure," Peter says giving Bucky a big hug.

"Okay, we'll be in the room beside you if you need us. Good night Peter." Bucky says.

"Good night Bucky," Peter smiles. "Good night Pietro,".

"Good night Cinnamon Roll," I say pulling him into a big hug.

Me and Bucky tuck him into the bed and leave the room. We head over to the room beside us and Bucky collapses onto the bed.

"I'm exhausted!" he says. I smile.

"Go to bed then!" I say as I take out some pajamas.

Bucky and I are like brothers, we're best friends. We both unseratamd what eavh others been through, amd are quite similar.

I go to the bathroom room amd brush my teeth and Bucky's already asleep when I come back.

I'm not anywhere near being tired so i decide to go check on Peter. I walk into his room and see him sittinh on the floor.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask him.

"No... The bed is to big and I'm just so used to sleeping on the ground or a tree." he says. "What about you?".

"I'm not much of a sleeper..." I chuckle.

"Oh?" he says curiously.

"As you might of noticed already, I'm a pretty energetic person. I have trouble staying in one spot. Also I have nightmares when ever I sleep." I explain.

"I get nightmares too," he says.

" Well we cant habe my little Cinnamon Roll having nightmares!" I say smiling. "I shall fight them off and make sure they learn their lesson!"

Peter laughs and looks up at me. "Pietro? Could you stay with me tonight?" he asks me.

"If that's what you'd like," I say smiling.

"It is,".

"Okay, floor or bed?" I ask him.

"Floor..." he says.

"Floor it is!" I say as I grab two pillows and a blanket. I lay them on the floor.

He puts his head on the pillow and brings the blanket up. I give him a hug and lie down next to him.

"Good night my little Cinnamon Roll," I smile at him.

"Good night..." he mumbles smiling up at me.

God, I love this kid! I smile to myself and think of all the fun things we can do together one day.

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