Toilet Paper

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Peter's Pov:

"He can move things with his mind?!" That is so sick.

"Yes Peter." Stephen says with a thin smile.

"Sorry I'll stop interrupting." I say. They've been trying to explain what's going on but we keep interrupting.

Stephen, Steve and Tony explain the plan and I listen intently (for the most part).

Basically this dude named Ebony Maw wants Stephen's special necklace and he has a space donut.

I don't really get why all of us are here, you wouldn't think it'd take so many people to defeat one guy trying to steal a necklace.

But Stephen did his weird future reading thing earlier and said that we all need to be here.

"Peterrrrrrrrrr." Natasha says nudging me, pulling me out of my mental monologue.

"Yes!" I smile awkwardly.

"You know what you have to do?"

"Didn't you say I can't know or it'll mess up the timeline?"

"Correct." Stephen says loøking relieved and I mentally give myself a high five.

There's some more going over the plan then Stephen nods to Steve.

"Avengers Assemble!" He shouts and we all fall through portals.


"Bye everyone!" We dealed with the necklace stealer and now I'm going off on patrol.

"Be back by midnight!" Tony calls from the kitchen, he's making a celebratory midnight snack for when I get back.

"I will!" I reply and put my mask on.

"Gooooooodbye Cinnamon Roll!" Pietro says running towards me.

He hugs me, then Bucky runs over and hugs us both. Clint hops out of the vent and joins in.

"Hey could one of you run to the store and get some more Takis?" Tony walks in and stares at us.

"Takis!" Bucky whispers excitedly from inside the hug.

Scott and Bruce walk in eating tacos, then both put them down and join in too.

"I'll just ask Steve." He says and walks away.

Thor walks into the room and sees us. "Group Hug!" He shouts and throws multiple pairs of Crocs into the air.

He smashes us all together smiling. "Group Hugs are the filling of all tart of pop!" He says loudly then releases us and leaves the room, grabbing his Crocs on the way out.

"Um what.." Scott whispers.

"That turned awkward." Bruce says retrieving his and Scott's tacos.

"You mean Hawkward" Clint smiles proudly.

Pietro, Bucky and I laugh, Bruce narrows his eyes at Clint then gives Scott his taco.

"I'm just gonna go now... Bye guys!" I say then run to the window.

"You can't just jump out of windows Peter! There's a door for a reason," Tony shouts and I smile.

"But I'm Peter Par-KOUR!" I yell then jump out.

"How long do you think he's been waiting to say that?" I hear Clint ask.

I smile to myself, I've been waiting to use that line for years.

I swing through the city doing my business.

It's a quiet night, not much crime. I help a man with his groceries and reunite a little kid with their house.

Once I say bye to the kid I swing down his street, but I stop when I see someone toilet papering a house.

"Hey! It's bad for the environment to waste toilet paper!" I say as I jump down beside the guy.

He jumps and turns around to look at me.


"Spiderman!" His voice shakes.

"That is me." I reply, I wonder who's house this is.

"It's an honour to meet you Mr Spiderman, I'm your biggest fan!" He says with excitement but also worry.

Like he's scared I'm gonna beat him up.

"I wouldn't say biggest," I laugh. Probably Pietro. Or Bucky. Or maybe Thor. Or-

He smiles, "Well I am quite str-- lean," he awkward laughs. Um what...

This is so weird, I should probably get out of here soon before I say something dumb. "What'd this house ever do to you?"

"The house?" He asks confused.

"I mean, whoever lives here. What'd they do to deserve getting TP-ed"

"Oh, well actually, you see, funny story.."

I narrow my eyes at him with my mask. It's the only real face I can make through it.

"It's my house!" He blurts out and I stare at him.

"Your house?..." I knew Flash was interesting but I didn't know he was to this extent.

"It's, a long story I guess." He says then I notice his car on the driveway. It really is his house.

"Huh... Well I guess if it's your house there's nothing that bad about this. Except that you're wasting toiletpaper. But I can't do much about that."I realise I've started rambling so I stop.

He does a very awkward laugh, "It was an honour meeting you!"

"Yeah, you too Flash." I say then swing off.

I realize I called him Flash then look behind me. He looks like I just gave him a million dollars.

I shake my head then swing on home.

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