Poptart Shawarma Banana Cookies

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Chapter 34

Peter's Pov:

Nat and Bucky taught me to ride a motorcycle! Though I wouldn't really say taught because I kind of suck at it.

"How was motorcycling?"Pietro asks when we enter the room.

"Good," I reply smiling. It was super fun.

"Good as in it was fun and you're terrible at it or good as in fun and you suck at it?" Tony asks.

I narrow my eyes at him. "I am amazing," I say.

"Peter you are amazing, but your motorcycling needs a bit of work," Nat says.

"You're just jealous of my skills," I say jokingly.

"Peter was really good for his first time," Steve says.

"You went too Capsiscle?" Tony asks

"Yeah," Steve replies.

"Okay, well what are we gonna do for the rest of day?" Wanda says walking in.

"Could we bake something?" I ask excitedly.

"Of course! Why don't we have a baking contest?" Tony suggests.

"Sounds fun," Clint says hopping out of a vent.

"Yeah," people agree.

"Are we doing teams?" Bucky asks.

"GetHelp let's be the team!" Thor says smiling super wide.

"Okay!" I reply smiling and I hear someone giggle.

"Peter do you actually know how to bake?" Pietro says starting to smile.

"Of course I know how to bake," I say as serious as possible (which wasn't very serious).

Truth is I have no idea how to, but how hard can it be?

"Give him and Thor a chance, I'm sure they'll do great," Bucky says.

"Thank you Bucky," I say.

Multiple people laugh, which could be a bad sign but I'm staying optimistic.

We then set up teams and rules. The teams are Tony and Bruce, Nat and Wanda, Bucky and Steve, Clint and Pietro, me and Thor.

And the rules are simple. We have to make some type of dessert thing and if we need ingredients we have to go to the store.

The first hour we get to decide what we're making and do our shopping. Once everyone's back we can start.

So now me and Thor are on our way to the grocery store.

"Can we make Poptart Shawarma Cookies GetHelp?"

"That sounds good, could we add some bananas too?" I ask. These are gonna be awesome!


As we enter Thor grabs my hand and I look up at him. "So you don't get lost," he says smiling.

"Okay," I smile and tighten my grip. I know it's probably weird for someone my age to hold someone's hand but who cares.

We run through the store but stop where the carts are.

"Thor." I say in awe.



So we might have gotten kicked out of the grocery store... But they let us buy our supplies so it's fine. And we had an amazing time!

They had these special carts that were electric and had a seat. I don't know what they're called but we used them.

We raced through the whole store and got lots of Poptarts, some shawarma, many banana's, some juice boxes and matching Poptart pajamas.

We're now in the elevator carrying our bags.

"Finally, what took you two so long?" Bruce says when we walk in.

We both laugh.

"Also how much ingredients did you buy?"

I shrug. We then all head to separate kitchens. Why there are five kitchens in the tower I have no clue.

I pull out the recipe and measuring cups.

We split up the steps equally and start.

Most ingredients are in containers and they aren't labelled. "Hey Thor? Which ones flour?"

"Um," he says then opens them all up and smells them. "This one," he says pointing to one.

"Okay thanks!" I say.

We finish adding the ingredients but it doesn't really look like dough so we add some juice.

Thor is actually really good at baking. He always knows what to add, like I would never have guessed to add juice to them.

Then we add bits of Poptarts, chunks of shawarma and slices of bananas.

"These don't really look like the picture in the recipe," I say.

"That's okay, ours have so many tasty foods in them!"

"Maybe we should make one big cookie instead of multiple small ones." I suggest.

"Okay," he replies and we put our 'batter' into a pan. We put it in the oven then go change into our new pajamas.

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