Your Not Steve!

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Chapter 1

Peter's POV:
It'd been a good morning so far, I'd just found a half-eaten pizza and one of the parts I needed for my new water filter straw. My old one was starting to get moldy. I put the part in my bag and gobbled up the pizza and began making my way to school.
I was feeling pretty good after eating the pizza, it's been almost a week since I'd last eaten.

Tony's Pov:
"Thanks Steve!" I say as I rush to my next meeting.
Urgh I really do hate meetings. I pull out my phone and text the number Steve gave me.

Hey Stevie

Um, this isn't Steve
I think you got the wrong number…

Dammit! Why'd Steve have to give me the wrong number, I think to myself. I don't have any other contacts yet.

Oh oops
Whatever, I'm bored so…
What's your name Not Steve?

Peters Pov:
This is strange. I don't know if I should answer him, what if he's some creep. Eh, might as well. It'd give me a reason to skip school. I change directions and start heading to my favourite park.

Okay then…
How do I know you're not some creep?

Good point.
I'm not don't worry.
I could say the same about you though.

Fine, my name Peter.
But you better tell me yours now.

I can't,
But you can name me.

Okay then…
What do you like to do?

I guess build things.

Okay, I'll call you Tony then.
Like Tony Stark.

Uh okay...
You know Tony Stark?

Literally everyone knows Tony Stark.
He's just you know the smartest dude in the WORLD!!

Yeah, he is pretty cool…
Wait how old are you Peter?

Isn't that kind of personal information?


ou know I could just track your phone and find out right?

Oh yeah?
Try then…

If you say so my friend…

Tony's Pov:
I smile down at my phone. Ugh I forgot I was still in this meeting. I stand up.
"I'm just going to the bathroom" I say.
Once I'm out of the room, I tell FRIDAY to track Peter's phone.
"Boss it seems Peter's phone is untrackable."
I frown. That's weird.

What'd you do to your phone?
Why can't I track it?!

Not Steve
In your face Tony XD

Did you just xd me?

Not Steve

Peter's Pov:
I like this guy. He's pretty funny.
"Help me!" I hear someone cry.

Uh sorry, I got to go!

Well talk soon then.
Also, I will find out what you did with your phone!

I smile down at my phone, then put it in my bag. I slide off my shoes and remove my clothes. I always wear my suit underneath for times like these. And for warmth.
I swing over to where I heard the cry come from and make quick work of the mugger. I web him up and call the police.
I'm definitely not in the mood for school today so I decide to do some more patrol.

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