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[Author's Note: This chapters a bit weird, I don't really know what it is. Also the Russian might be wrong, I used Google translate (and I don't actually remember what it says). Also I got tagged! But I don't know who I would tag if I did it so I don't think I'll do it.]

Peter's Pov:

"When you said you were scared of the kids dad I didn't think that's meant he was Tony Stark!" The officer yells at Morita.

Morita mumbles something I can't make out.

I sense flash staring and I turn to look say him.

"Your dad's Tony Stark?" He says in awe.

I don't know what to say, "Uh, whatev-"

"Cinnamon Roll!" Pietro shouts hugging me.

I smile, "Hi Pietro"

"Tony and Pteve are on their way, we weren't even home yet when they called."

"Wait how did you get in here?" I ask after nodding.

Pietro points up and I tilt my head. They haven't fixed the hole in the ceiling yet.

I laugh and he smiles.

"Um, who are you?" Flash asks with a bit of attitude.

"Who are you?" Pietro sasses back and I smirk.

"Flash Thompson." He says proudly.

"So you're the one who belly flopped in the hallway. I know you." Pietro replies and flashes cheeks turn slight red.

"So what's the story today?" Pietro asks me.

"I toilet-papered Flashes house I'm pretty sure" I reply smirking.

Pietro nods looks over at Flash. "Toilet-papering your own house is a lot of work just to get Peter in trouble."

"I-I didnt"." He stutters.

Pietro looks at me and we laugh. "Sure you didn't."

The door then gets kicked down I look at Pietro confused. Kicking down does is usually Bucky and Nat's thing.

But Pietro nods and I see that it is Bucky and Nat. They don't have their usual guns though.

Instead they both have water guns, Bucky has one long one in each hand. And Nat has three smaller ones, that are visible at least.

"Где он?" Nat asks darkly.

"прямо там" Bucky mutters and points too Flash

"не делай ничего глупые парни" Pietro says, Nat and Bucky turn to him.

"единственное, что глупо, это то, что все верят Flashy Poo" Nat says then takes a step towards Flash. Uh oh.

"Вы не можете убить Flash!" I pause,  "Или сделай ему больно, это только усугубит ситуацию." Everyone turns to me.

"You know Russian?" Nat asks confused.

"Yeah, I haven't spoken it in a couple years though." I reply.

"How come we never knew this?" Pietro asks and I shrug.

"It never came up?" I suggest.

"You know what this means?" Pietro smirks at Nat and she narrows her eyes at him. Bucky smiles.

"I've gotta call Wanda!"

"Did I miss something?" I ask. I am so confused.

Tony then comes running in. "We can go guys. No need to kill Flash." He says the second part towards Nat and Bucky.

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