Chapter 52
Peter's Pov:
I poke my cheek in boredom.
It's not that Stephen can be a little boring, it's just that, Stephen can be a little boring.
He's been talking for, I look to the clock in the corner of the room, two hours and seventeen minutes.
I look to Clint, who's sprawled across the floor sipping a Redbull, and he mouths 'save me' - or 'kill me' - I can't tell.
I give him a small smile before turning back to Stephen's power point.
There's a tree.
He going on about something called a groot, which makes me think of root beer. I rub my eyes, I could go for a root beer.
I look around at everyone. There was seventeen of us because Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy arrived just in time for the presentation. Happy got to leave 23 minutes ago.
Pepper, who was taking notes at the beginning of the presentation is now braiding Nat's hair and Nat's braiding Wanda's.
Pietro's painting his nails under the table, Tony and Rhodey are in the hot tub.
Bruce was continuing Pepper's notes, which are now 27 pages long, but recently fell asleep.
Loki is sitting on top of eight stacked bean bag chairs, eating and throwing popcorn at Stephen.
Thor is on one bean bag, eating his 43rd poptart.
Scott is throwing grapes into his mouth, he's leaning back on a spiny chair.
Bucky and Sam are lying across the table, having a thumb war.
Steve is listening intently at the front of the table.
I contemplate joining Pietro under the table but decide against it. This could be important.
"I am Groot. I am groot I am groot. Can anyone tell me what that would mean?"
I blink in confusion.
"I, am Groot?" Steve answers and Stephen gives him a nod.
"Correct! Good job Steve." Stephen taps his stick against the screen as it changes to a forest. "Moving on."
I jolt awake to someone whisper shouting in my ear.
"Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeter-man, wake up! The presentations almost over."
"How long has it been?"
Clint looks to the clock, "3 hours and 9 minutes"
I sit back up in my chair and look to the screen. The slide changes, and says 'TL;DR'. I groan and look at Stephen, really? He smirks.
"Are you serious Stephen!" Tony shouts and everyone starts talking.
Stephen silences us with his hand and proceeds to explain the whole meeting in 3 minutes.
Basically, in a few months the world could end so we'll all be really busy. We all have to train a lot more, and Stephen'll be taking us on missions. There'll be lots of other heroes we're going to meet and work with, though I think most of us have already met them besides me.
"Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. There's food and refreshments." he concludes before walking away.
Steve claps as everyone else dashes for the food.
I grab a wrap and a caprisun then head over to Pepper. "Hi Ms Pepper." I smile.
"Hi Peter! I've heard lots about you." She smiles.
We talk for a bit, her telling me funny stories about my parents, me telling her about my life.
"And then he threw the toaster out the window-"
"I did not!" Tony comes up smiles and Pepper gives him a look.
"Okay fine maybe I did, but what'd you think of that meeting Peter? I saw you fell asleep at the end."
"It was... long." I sigh.
"It was definitely long. Stephen just did that to mess with us, but this is serious and we'll need to talk about what'll change in the next few months."
I nod and he ruffles my hair.
"Now come meet Happy and Rhodey."

You're not Steve
Fanfiction14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...