But We Want To

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Chapter 9

Peter's Pov:
Oh my God!!! THE AVENGERS WANT TO ADOPT ME!!! I have to say something!

"Mmbhh" nope, I guess I'm not ready to say something. This is to much to process.

"Peter, you okay? Is that okay?" Bucky asks.

"This is all probably a lot to process," Steve says.

"It's, it's okay... I'm sorry." I say into Bucky, barely audible.

"How about we head back to the Tower and get you cleaned up?" Tony says touching my shoulder.

I'm not used to all this touching but it feels so so good to be hugged. I feel special, important.

I look up at Tony and just start to cry more. How am I so lucky to have this happen to me.

"I'm sorry I just never thought something like this would happen to me." I mumble.

"Peter it's okay, we get it," Clint says.

"It's okay to cry, you've already been through so much at such a young age." Wanda says.

"GetHelp, please don't be sad." Thor says as he crushes me into a group hug.

"Okay guys, let's get to the tower!" Bruce says.

Bucky still hasn't let go of me. I look up at him and it looks like he wants to protect with his life.

"Thank you, everyone," I say as I back out of Bucky's hug a little.

"We'll never let anything bad happen to you again Cinnamon ROLL!" Pietro says as Bucky finally let's go.

"I'd kill anyone that tryed to hurt you." Bucky says under his breath.

Pietro picks me up and we head back to the Tower.

Tony's Pov:
I think if anyone tryed to hurt Peter we'd all want to kill them. I still can't believe he'd been out there for six years.

We get to the Tower and he looks like he's gonna fall asleep in Pietro's arms.
"You still with us kid?" I say.

"Yeah... Are we here?" he mumbles.

"Yeah, how'd you like a nice hot bath?" Bruce says.

"Mmm" he says. "Bath...".

"Don't fall asleep Cinnamon Roll." Pietro says with a smile.

"Pietro" he smiles.

Peter's Pov:

I haven't had a bath or shower in at least six years. It sounds so nice. But also weird.

"Wait... Won't I get the bath water dirty?" I ask.

"The kids right he should have a shower first then a bath." Nat says. "I'll go start warming the water."

"Some of us should probably go try and find some clothes for Peter." Steve says.

"I'll go," Clint says.

"Me too," Wanda says.

"I shall come too, we need more Poptarts." Thor says.

"Okay, I'm gonna get the medical bay set up so we can run some tests later." Bruce says.

"I guess I'll start on some dinner." Tony says.

"You guys don't need to do all this for me," I say.

"You're right we don't, but we want to Peter." Tony says with a smile. I look into his eyes and he looks in mine.

"I can't thank you guys enough." I smile.

"The shower and bath are ready," Nat says as she comes in.

Pietro puts me down and starts to follow Nat. I follow him and Bucky follows me.

a/n edited in from future me !!

aah sorry this is so long

so there have been a lot of comments regarding peter and pietro shipped together and i wanted to clarify that i do not see them that way and i did not write it with that intent

there's a few lines that i definitely can understand how it can be interpreted in that way but i wrote this part of the story a longg time ago and i never meant for them to be shipped

my writing improves as the story goes on, and this is more of a thing in the next  few chapters i believe

i see them with a more father/son relationship (as pietro is adopting peter along with the others!!), or maybe pietro's like an older brother or uncle to peter

you can see them in whatever way you want of course and i just want you all to enjoy the story.  but i want everyone to know that i don't ship them and i didn't write this with the intent of shipping them

peter is 14/15ish in this, pietro's age is not mentioned and i think whatever age you imagine him and wanda works for this story.

so maybe if you're going to ship them age up peter or age down pietro and also pretend pietro didn't adopt peter ?

anyways i'm sorry for rambling i just wanted to clarify because of the comments

i hope you're enjoying the story, and i hope you continue reading it - i promise it does get better and the writing improves :)

thank you for reading this, and thank you to everyone who votes and comments <3

i'm sorrry this was so long aaahh

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