Chapter 48
Peter's Pov:
"BLERGH, IT'S ME! And he stabbed me."
I look back and smile at Thor and Scott. Thor and Loki love this story, I guess Scott's never heard-
My thoughts are cut off as I slam into the wall. I step back and rub my face. I look forward and see I missed the door by about a foot. I step sideways then enter the bathroom, rubbing my face.
That hurt, it feels a little swollen already.
"Yo Penis!" I turn around and see Flash walk in.
I sigh first the wall, now Flash. "Hi Flash."
His eyes narrow at me. "You tripped me! In front of the Avengers! Now they all probably think I'm stupid!"
I fight the smile that wants to emerge at the thought of Flash tripping in front of everyone, "Flash I didn't trip you."
"Yes you did Penis! You're the only one who doesn't like me in this school, everyone loves me."
"Whatever Flash." I say then turn to one of the stalls.
My senses go off and I step to the left. Flash charges into a stall door head first.
I back up.
"Oh you're gonna get it Pe.." He stops as a toilet flushes.
A stall door creaks opens and Loki appears, on his throne.
"Engine, son of Thomas."
A snort comes from a locked stall.
Flash takes a step back. "I.. I don't mean any trouble, Penis -I mean Peter- and I were just messing around." He lets out a nervous smile.
Another snort.
"Really?" Loki tosses a knife into the air, "Engine."
A third snort.
Flash swallows, "Really?"
Loki throws his knife so it hits the wall behind Flash. He pulls out a second and throws it at the other side.
A loud splash comes from the stall. There's a sigh of relief and the toilet flushes.
We all turn to the stall as the occupant walks out.
"Clint?!" Loki and I look at him in surprise.
"High Key and Peter-Man? And Thomas the Tank Engine!"
I hold back a smile.
"Wait Peter! What happened to your face?" Clint screams before looking between Flash and myself.
I open my mouth but close it when I see Flash sprinting past me for the door. Loki sends a puff of green at Clint and he appears on a throne too. They slam their buttons Loki's throne crashes into the door frame.
"Stupid tiny mortal doorframes." he mutters and the thrones narrow and they speed away.
I follow, I can go to the washroom later.
"I thought we went over the rules, Loki. You two Clint." Steve frowns, "We said no hurting, injuring, removing the life out of, casting spells, or using powers against Flash."
"But, he hurt Peter-Man." Clint frowns.
"Actually," I laugh, "I walked into the wall"
Tony comes skipping towards us looking very excited.
"So?" Bruce asks.
"I have NEWS!!!"
We all look at him expectantly. He smiles "I'll save it for when we get back. Tonight is about Peter and intimidating his teachers!"
"Son of Wil who is not Flying Sam, here we come!" Thor shouts and points a Poptart in the air.
We walk off, rows of twos, Steve and me leading because Steve can't navigate the school map and they got lost on the way to Ms Warren's.
We stop about a few rooms away when Stephen appears.
"Mr Wizard Doctor Wizard!" Thor excitedly shouts.
Stephen waves. "I have news."
"Funny, Tony said the same thing." Nat says.
"And I'm waiting, so, so are you Wizard!"
He mumbles something as he floats to Bruce.
"Well now that we're stopped, it's a good time to go over the rules."
"NO STEVE!" Tony shouts.
"We know the rules, Steve." Bucky says gently.
Steve smiles at Bucky, "Okay fine, just keep them in mind when we're in there. Any questions before we head in?"
Pietro raises his hand.
Steve chuckles, "Yes Pietro?"
"How come Clint gets a throne?"
"Ask Loki. Any thing else."
Pietro hurries over to Loki.
"Nope, okay. Avengers Assemble!"
"Steve, this is a Meet the Teacher Night, not a mission."
"Yes and?"
Sam shakes his head and we head inside.
"Oh FU-"

You're not Steve
Fanfiction14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...