Retire the Puzzle

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[Author's Note: I'm sorry, this chapter is basically a filler. Thank you so much for reading this !]

Chapter 18

Peter's Pov:
We're all laughing now. It was so dumb how we're all in the same room texting.

"That was very sad how we're in the same room," Tony says.

"Well I didn't actually text," Bruce says smirking.

"Neither did Pietro and I," I say.

"So whose gonna go help Thor?"

"Peter should definitely go so we can get him some new clothes," Bucky says.

"And if Peter's going I'm going." Pietro adds.

"I want to go too!" Nat says.

"Me too!" Wanda adds.

"Okay no more that's it," Tony says.

"We can't have everyone going out together," Steve explains. "We try to limit our simple outings to 5 people or less."

"Okay that makes sense," I say.

We then get ready and leave.


We start walking towards the grocery store to find Thor.

"Do you know what style you like Peter?" Wanda asks.

"Style?" I say confused.

"Like the theme of the clothing," Pietro explains.

"Oh I don't know... I used to just wear the same thing everyday" I say.

"Okay well I geuss we'll just have to find out what your style is," Nat says.

"We don't need to know yet, we can just get more basics today." Wanda says.

"Okay," I say smiling.

Steve's Pov:
We were all kind of just waiting till they got back. Clint was thinking up ways to prank Pietro and Peter back. Bruce and Tony did some stuff in the lab. And me and Bucky decided to do a puzzle.

"You really like him don't you?" I ask Bucky.

"Yeah I just feel so protective over him," he says.

"Yeah I get what you mean, if anyone hurt him it'd be pretty hard not to punch them." I agree.

"I can't imagine going through all that he's gone through at that age."

"Yeah... We just gotta be the best guardians we can be," I say with a smile.

He smiles up at me and I give him a hug.

"Okay is this just me or does every piece look the exact same?" Bucky says laughing.

"I was thinking the exact same thing," I say smiling.

"Retire the puzzle?" He asks.

"Retire the puzzle." I say smirking.

We end up going down to the gym.

Peter's Pov
We end up getting some jeans, plain coloured long sleeves, some work out clothes and a swimsuit.

And we helped Thor get his Poptarts.

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