That's It We're Pranking Someone!

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Chapter 14

Pietro's Pov:

We end up eating a lot of banana's. Peter really likes them.

"Banana's are like the greatest food ever! Besides shawarma, of course," he says as he finishes off his fifth.

"I'm glad you like them!" I say. "We still have a while until everybody will be up." I say.

"Is everyine else still sleeping?" he asks.

"Tony, Clint and Bruce are. Nat and Wanda are probably training downstairs," I explain.

"What about Thor?"

"Oh Thor’s in Asgard right now, he'll be back before breakfast though."

"Oh wow... Have you met Loki before?"

"Yes, I have met Loki. Him, Clint and me liketo prank people a lot. Sometimes Bucky joins in too."

"Prank people?" he asks confused.

"Have you never pranked someone Cinnamon Roll?!" I exclaim.

"No, sounds fun though."

"That's it we're pranking someone!" I say laughing.

"Okay yay!" he says. He's still super hyper.

"How about we prank Clint?" I ask.

"Sounds good!"


Peter's Pov:

"Okay are you ready?" Pietro asks me.

"Yup!" I say. This is going to be awesome!

"Okay great, catch ya on the flip side!" he says as he runs off.

I quickly remove the vent cover amd hop in. I make sure to close it behind me then I'm off.

Pietro explained that the vents are Clint's signature thing. So we thiught it'd be funny if you used them to prank him

Pietro's currently outside the tower with my suit. We stuffed it so it look's like im in it.

I make my way through the vents going the direction Pietro told me too. And soon enough I get to the room Clints in.

Now all I do ia wait for thw signal from Pietro. After about five minutes I get it.

Clint's Pov:

I wake up to a loud thud against my window. I get out of bed and rush to the window.

Oh my God! Oh my God! The thud was Peter. All I see is is Spiderman falling down to the ground.

Before I can think thus through i jump out the window. Almost as soon as i jump I see Peter looking out my window.

"Clint! Why did you jump out the window?" he says as he jumps out.

Wait a second! If he's up there who's Spiderm---

SPLASHHH! Aww dammit. I fell right into the pool. Somethibg hits me in the stomach.

"Hey Clint!" Peter says laughing.

"Oh you did nit juat prank me!" I say fake angrily.

"Oh yes he did Seagullnose!" Pietro says as he cammonballs into the pool.

"You were in on this too!?" I ask him.

"Of course!" he says latching onto me.

Soon we're having cannonball contests and playing dumb pool games.

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