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Chapter 66

Peter's Pov:

"Clink, clink, clink, clink!"

Tony bangs a fork against his glass.

"Urgh Tony, stop that!" Rhodey covers his ears as Scott lifts his glass and starts hitting it along with Tony.

Clint smiles at Pietro and joins in.

Scott does a fancy thing with his wrist.

Bucky hits his glass in a pattern, a noticeable beat starting to form. Sam starts hitting Bucky's arm.

Pietro starts drumming on the table and I see Bruce tap his foot along.

Tony stops, looking annoyed. "He-" he starts and gets cut off by Scott taking a loud breath.

Stephen looks towards Tony with a smirk.

"IIIIIIIIIIIIII hate youuu," Scott sings and Nat chokes, throwing her spoon across the table.

Tony crosses his arms.

"For what you did, and I miss you like a little kid"

"I faked it every time but that's -"

"As much as I like your voice, I have something to say!" Tony shouts over Scott.

Scott frowns, looking slightly hurt but stops singing.

Tony clears his throat and everyone stops banging their cups and the table. Sam gives Bucky's arm one last slap.

"Ahem." Tony glares at Sam. "Thank you. Bruce?"

Bruce pushes his glasses up.


"Can you stop Scott, this is important." Tony puts his hands on his hips.

Scott looks down and whispers, "somebody roll the windows down."

Tony's eye twitches. "Okay okay, sorry."

"Bruce, go ahead."

"Don't you mean Stephen?"

"No I mean - actually yeah I do mean Stephen, Stephen go ahead!" Tony smiles and Bruce rolls his eyes.

"So, Bruce was thinking we should go camping but we can't this weekend so instead we're going to the park!"

I smile and chew my food as fast as I can.

"YAY!" Thor throws his arms up grinning, knocking over a pitcher of apple sauce.

"Sounds fun." Wanda smiles.

Loki quickly pushes himself back to avoid getting covered in apple sauce.

Bucky starts eating it off the table as Sam watches in disgust.

Then everyone starts talking at the same time.

"When are we going?"

"Why can't we go camping?"

"Are we at least sleeping at the park?"

"Will there be those gross Midgard insects that suck your blood?"


"Monkey toes?"


"The park!"


"Bucky you are disgusting!"

"We better not all have to share a tent!"

"So when are we doing this?"

"there are no words in the english language-"




"But it's Phoebe Bridgers!" Scott throws his hands up.

"Dinner is not the time for singing."

"Is it not though?"

I finally finish chewing, "That sounds like so much fun!"

Every stops and looks at me.

"That was a delayed reaction."

"I was chewing!"

Stephen smiles at me then towards the group.

"As time goes by, there'll be less and less times where we're all together. And this weekend doesn't work, so we're going mini camping. One night. At the park. Tomorrow. There will be mosquito, but we'll use burning coil mosquito repellent. It's the green swirls, you'll recognize it when you see it. And are we all sharing a tent? Hmm, let me think - THERE'S SEVENTEEN OF US! Do you WANT to share a tent with fifteen smelly adults and a Peter?"

"No thanks."

"If Bucky slept outside the tent, yes!"

"Sam, he'd get eaten by the bugs, be nice."

"If Sam slept outside the tent, yes!"

"Bucky, he'd also get eaten by the bugs, be nice."

"I would?" Scott shrugs.

"Yeah, I'd be down for that."

"Definitely more interesting. Who needs sleep anyways."

"Family bonding."

"You seriously all want to share a tent? Where do you think we'll get a tent that fits SIXTEEN ADULTS AND A PETER?"

"We could use the one I got from Costco." Bruce points out and others nod.

Stephen rolls his eyes. "Fine. Let's take a vote. All in favour of sharing a tent say stinky -


"Not now. And all in favour of not sharing a tent say uh refreshing. Go!"

"Stifreshkying" Everyone talks at once and you can't tell what's being said.

Stephen sighs. "Let's just go around the table, Scott?"

"Stinky, you know that."










"Stinky!" I smile, going with the majority.


"Stinky I guess."




Stephen sighs when it gets to his turn. "Guess we're all sharing a tent."


Some yay's, nods, a few high fives, and a fist bump go around.

"I'm sorry but," Scott takes a big breath before belting out, "I have emotional motion sickness, someone roll the windows down."

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