[Author's Note: I'm not sure where the plot is going now so I'm sorry if these next chapters are bad. If anyone has any ideas please comment! Thank you so much for reading this!]
Chapter 23
Peter's Pov:
It's been a couple days since I've moved in with the Avengers. And everything's been going great.
I've been training with Pietro each morning but also done some training with the others as well.
"Geuss what guys!" Tony says as he walks in.
"You blew up the lab?" Bruce says.
"What no," Tony says confused.
"When ever you say 'geuss what guys' you've always blown something," Clint says.
"Well this is important," Tony says getting a bit frustrated.
"But blowing something up isn't?" Steve says.
"GUYS!" Tony shouts.
"Let him speak guys," Steve says.
"The papers were approved, We've officially adopted Peter!" He says.
"That's amazing!" Steve says.
"Yay!" Bucky says.
I start to tear up.
"Peter what's wrong?" Nat asks coming over to me.
"T-this whole thing s-seems to g-good to be tr-ue," I say.
"Peter," Tony says coming and joining us.
"It's true so don't worry about that," Bruce says.
"Do you still want to let the media know?" Steve asks.
"Um.. actually I'm thinking I want to go to school, if that's okay," I say.
"Of course that's okay Peter!" Pietro says.
"What ever you want is what we want," Bucky says.
"When do you want to start?" Tony asks.
" Next week maybe?" I say.
"Okay sounds like a plan," Tony replies.
I'm boredCaptain Antarctica
You're always bored Tonyhigh key
gotta agree with the old man on that oneCaptain Antarctica
I'm not old :{(Airplane
You're over a hundred dudeCaptain Antarctica
Says youTony
Not helpingPoptart
Can Loki come visit us
You know what
what the heck
Come on over LokiCinnamon Roll
Yessssssssssssssssssssssshigh key
aww yeahhhh

You're not Steve
Fanfic14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...