Chapter 38
Peter's Pov:
"It's a twelvesome?!" Coach Wilson suddenly whispers and everyone stares at him.
"I thought it was only a Ninesome," he says even quieter.
"I don't even want to think about what you just said," Nat says.
Morita clears his throat, "So, uh, heh heh, I've called you all here today to talk about Peter.." He stutters.
"GetHelp!" Thor says smiling with his mouth closed.
"Cinnamon Roll, that's you!"
"What's wrong?" Morita whispers confused by what Thor said.
"So how did Peter do on his running test?" Steve asks.
"Oh um, Coach Wilson, care to answer that?" Morita says.
"I wouldn't call my self a Coach but sure?" Sam says a but confused.
"I actually meant um, him," Morita says pointing to Coach Wilson.
"Oh, who're you?" Sam says turning to him.
"Who're you?" He gasps. "My name stealer's in the twelvesome!"
"Stop saying that!" Pietro says.
"And I thought I had a dirty mind." Someone says.
"I'm not a part of this twelvesome, just so you know," Sam says putting his hands up.
"So it's an elevensome?"
"You have a messed up mind dude!"
"Well on a more positive note, Cinnamon Roll did drugs in gym today!" Pietro says cheerfully and I laugh.
"Way to go Peter!" Clint says highfiving me.
Some people start talking but it's too many voices at once.
"So uh, yeah, Mr Parker was indeed on drugs in gym." Morita says clearing his throat. He's cleared his throat a lot recently.
"So what kinda drugs we talking? Pot, crack, heroine, meth? Tranquilizers?" Tony asks removing his sunglasses.
"The real question is where he got the drugs, Tony. I want my share too," Clint says and Morita's eyes widen.
"Hey Andre I got those p-- oh!" Ms Warren says entering the office.
"I'm just gonna go now..." She says and slowly backs out.
"Me too," Coach Wilson says then runs (awkwardly speeds walks) out.
"What are we even doing here?" Wanda asks.
"Well you were-" Morita gets cut off
"Yeah why am I even here?" Scott asks.
"Here to talk--
"Why am I here?" Sam says.
"I didn't want you to feel left out," Steve says innocently.
"Peter but--
"Um yeah so can we go now?" Bruce asks.
"Um sure..." Morita says and I look at him in surprise.
"Am I not suspended or something?"
"Uh no..just take the rest of the day off." I think he's regretting some of his life choices right now.
"Okay!" I say smiling.
Then i realize lunch is almost over. Uh oh.
"Well let's get going then!" Natasha says and Thor starts to swing his hammer.
"STOOOP!" Morita shouts.
"Uh could you use the door this time?" Morita says pointing to it, well the doorframe thanks to Bucky and Nat.
Everyone glares at him.
"Oh also--
"What?!" Almost everyone shouts at him.
"You guys don't need to come to our Meet the Teachers Night,"
"Oh no, were coming!" Clint says.
"Wouldn't miss that for the world!" Pietro says patting Morita in the shoulder and we all walk out.
"Tony don't you think it'll be a little suspicious if I walk out with all of you," I whisper into Tony's ear.
"Gotcha covered kid," he says then pats the center of my chest with something.
My suit appears on me and I smile.
"Thanks Tony."
"Let's go now." He says and he taps his chest twice. The iron man suit appears around him.
Then all thirteen of us start walking down the school hall.
And of course,
The bell rings.
Students start filing in then someone shouts, "IT'S THE AVENGERS!!" and everyone stops.
"Single file! Let the kids pass," Tony says and we move into a single file.
It's Thor, Tony, Bruce, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Nat, Wanda, Scott, Clint, Loki, Pietro and my self.
"What is Thor wearing?" Someone whispers and I smile under my mask.
I can't decide whether I'm feeling embarrassment or happpyness.
All the students move to the sides and we walk out.
Definitely happiness.

You're not Steve
Fanfiction14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...