[Author's Note: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I wasn't sure what to do next... Thank you GirlFriend1258 for the suggestion!]
Chapter 24
Peter's Pov:
It's my first day of school today and I'm starting to feel a little nervous. I wasn't before but now I am.
"Ready to go Peter?" Tony asks looking at his watch.
"Uh yeah," I reply and stand up.
"Have fun Peter!" Clint says from a vent.
"Good luck!" Wanda waves.
"Bye GetHelp!" Thor shouts from the kitchen.
"My little Cinnamon Roll's all grown up!!!" Pietro practically screams as he runs toward me.
"I've been to school before it's not that big of a deal..." I say slightly embarrassed.
"But you've never been to Midtown school of Science and Technology," Pietro says smirking.
"Sure.." I laugh. It's true, I did switch schools so today is my first day at Midtown.
"Okay we have to go, come on Peter," Tony says.
So we got to school and met with the principal. Or well I met with with principal, Tony didn't come in because I didn't want to cause a scene.
Ms Morita, I think her name was, gave me my timetable and told me some rules.
Now I'm walking through the hall trying to find my locker.
"Hey do you need help? You're new right?" Someone comes up beside me and asks.
"Um yeah I'm Peter, Parker." I say.
"Ned, Ned Leeds," he says sticking out his hand which I shake it.
"Could you help me find my locker?" I ask.
"Yeah what locker do you have?" He asks looking at my sheet. "Dude!! You're right beside me!"
"Okay quick question, who's your favorite superhero?" he asks.
"Oh! Iron Man," I say. I wasn't expecting that question.
"Cool cool, but what about Spiderman? He's super cool," he says sounding excited.
I smile, "Yeah I guess he's pretty cool,"
"You GUESS??! He's all boom boom squirt squirt!" He says doing little imitations. I laugh.
"Boom boom squirt squirt?"
"You know what here I'll show you a video." He says as we get to our lockers.
He takes out his phone and shows me a video of Spiderman swinging between some buildings. It's pretty cool I'm on YouTube.
"Are their a lot of videos like this?" I ask. I can't believe I never thought to search Spiderman up on the internet.
"Yeah there's tons! Hey do you like Star Wars?"
"Yeah! It's amazing!" I don't tell him I only saw it last week.
He jumps up a little with excitement and leans in close to me, "Want to build the new Lego death star with me after school?! I got the new set!"
I'm not quite sure what that is but sounds like fun. "Sure! But could we build it tomorrow? I'm pretty sure I'm celebrating my first day of school with my family tonight,"
"Yeah of course! I'm so excited! This is gonna be awesome!" He says.
"Yeah," I say smiling and we head to our first class. We both have the same one which is nice.
I hear my phone beep so I pull it out.
How's schoooooooolCinnamon Roll
I made a friend!
His name's Ned
Also Spiderman is his favourite superheroAirplane
Spiderman's my favourite hero tooCinnamon Roll
Aww thx PietroTony
Shouldn't you be in class right now??
Also good job making a friend
Say hi for meCinnamon Roll
You're right
Okay bye guys
Also I will :)I put my phone into my pocket.
"Tony says hi," I say to Ned.
"Who's Tony?" He asks.
"Stark," I say and his jaw drops.
"I meannnn... Uh.. Parker. Tony Parker." I say with a small smile.
Nice one Peter, nice one.

You're not Steve
Fanfiction14 year old Peter Parker's had nothing but bad luck, he's been homeless for 6 years. But things start to look up when he gets a wrong number text. The descriptions bad, but please give the story a chance. :) I don't own any of the characters, just m...